Neji Modern~Flustered

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(edited! I fixed it to be in 2nd person pov and i corrected some errors. i also added in little details to help the story flow a bit better! enjoy! this is 20 pages long and over 7000 words- if there are any mistakes PLEASE LET ME KNOW!)

~on with the updated lemon~

You were finally moving into your first rental home at the age of 21. You were so excited to be moving out of your parents house that you didn't even mind that it was a shared rental. Meaning you would have to share a house with someone you didn't know. You would at least have your own space and the landlord does background checks on the tenets so you weren't too worried about it.

You grabbed your suitcase and made your way to the front door and walked into the new living room. You smiled at the cozy space and set your suitcase down before going out to retrieve your other bags.

As you shut the car door, another car pulled into the driveway. This must be my new roommate.. You thought to yourself, walking into the house. You grabbed the suitcase you had left in the living room and quickly took it to your room.

You began to unpack your things before hearing a knock on the door. You took a deep breath and turned towards the door with a smile. Standing in your doorway was a taller guy who appeared to be around your age with long brown hair, kept in a loose ponytail. The thing that struck you the most though, were his eyes. They were a very light lavender color and you would have thought he was blind if it weren't for the fact you caught a glimpse of him pulling into the driveway.

"Hello, you must be y/n. I heard that you were moving in today. My name is Neji Hyuga." He held out his hand to you and you hesitantly took it, shaking it firmly.

"Um, yes. That would be me. Are there any rules I should know? I know the landlord's rules of 'no smoking inside' and 'no pets' but I would like to know if you had any rules." Neji looked at you with a puzzled expression.

"Forgive me, I just want to be courteous since you lived here before I did and I didn't want to step on any toes.." You continued and he shook his expression off of his face and replaced it with a small smile.

"Well, that's really kind of you.. My last three roommates were definitely not as considerate. Though, they were all men and didn't understand how to pick up after themselves.. I can't think of any at the top of my head but I'll let you know if I think of anything."

"I had super strict parents, I'm sure I can handle anything you throw my way." He chuckled at your statement and left you to unpack.

Neji was only able to come up with a half page of rules when you spoke to him again. It was mostly stuff like 'pick up after yourself' and 'try to stay quiet after 11pm on Wednesdays-Sundays because I have to be up at 6am'. It wasn't anything you couldn't handle. You had told him that as long as he put down the toilet seat and kept his hair out of the shower drain, there would be no issues.

Over the following week you noticed there was one thing that bothered you. You hated eating alone. You knew he bought his own food and you bought your own food so you didn't just want to ask him to eat with you. So you did the only logical thing you could think of. Make way too much food and awkwardly ask him to help you finish it.

That plan seemed to really work out in your favor because that night, Neji suggested having your meals together in order to save money. You spent time figuring out the budget and who would cook and when.

It had been a month since you moved into the house and so far everything was going great. Neji was a genuinely decent guy. He seemed a bit fussy over certain things but you assured him that it wasn't a big deal and you didn't mind when he complained about having to call the landlord over something that should have been fixed months ago. All that aside, you both got along famously.

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