Rock Lee~Pleasure Points

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"You'll have to train harder next time, Y/n!" Lee said as he helped you up. You were once again knocked to the ground by your boyfriend. He was so strong and you wanted to train with him, but any time you two would spar, you always lost. It didn't particularly upset you, you knew he was a taijutsu master. You just thought sometimes he would go a tad easier on you since you were just trying to better your skills.

"Thanks, Lee. I think I'm done training for the week though.." He deflated at your words.

"But Y/n, you're improving! You just need a bit more practice!" He said, trying to cheer you up.

"Lee, I appreciate you helping me with my taijutsu training this week, but I'm really tired. I'm in so much pain from being knocked down all the time. I just need to rest for a few days." His eyes widened and filled with sadness.

"You're in pain? I didn't know that I was hurting you.. I-"

"Lee, it's just sore muscles from the training. I'll be okay. I'm gonna go back home for a bit. I'll see you in a bit." You said before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. You turned around and started towards your apartment. You took in the scenery on the walk to your humble abode. You wanted to lay down and relax for a few hours. Walking in, you made your way to your sink and filled a glass of water before chugging it. You move to your couch and lay down. You sunk into the cushions and finally felt your body relaxing after an intense training session with Lee. You almost allowed yourself to fall asleep after several minutes of silence, but a knock at your door pulled you from your slumber. You sighed and got up, instantly feeling your muscles starting to ache. You made your way to the door and opened it to reveal Lee with several bags.


"I feel bad about earlier, I wanted to make it up to you by giving you a personal spa day. Just take a look through the bags and tell me what you want me to do." Your eyes widened in surprise. You gave him a smile before taking the bags and peaking through them. Epsom salts, bath oils, massage oil, ice packs, and a few miscellaneous items.

"Lee, you didn't need to do this for me-"

"Nonsense! I feel responsible for pushing you so hard, I want to make it up to you. What do you want to do first?" You smiled at him and picked up the epsom salts and bath oils.

"I think I want to take a bath first so I can soak these sore muscles. You can make yourself comfortable while you wait though." You smiled at him slightly and he brought you into a soft hug.

"Of course! You take your time relaxing, you deserve it!" He said before kissing your forehead.

You turn to go to the bathroom and turn on the water. You add the salts and oils to the hot water and mix it around with your hand before standing to remove your clothes. You felt slightly awkward since your boyfriend was just in the next room. You two were definitely old enough to be intimate and you have been together for eight months but he's never made that kind of move before. You didn't mind though because you just assumed he wasn't ready. You had never been with anyone either but you felt like you were ready with Lee, you were just waiting for him to make the first move.

You snapped out of your thoughts and stepped into the bath. The further into the water you got, the more relief you felt. You sighed in content. I have the sweetest boyfriend in the world. You heard Lee shuffling about in the living room and you couldn't help but chuckle slightly to yourself. When he wasn't with you, he was quite hyperactive. His teammate Tenten told you that he's only seen him relax around you and you thought that it was sweet that you were able to calm his antics.

You felt like there was a knot forming on your back and you thought back to the massage oil you saw in the bag. Would he be okay with giving me a back massage? You knew he offered to do your 'spa day' but you weren't sure if asking for a back massage would make him uncomfortable or not. You sighed and just decided to clear your mind for the remainder of the soak.

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