Kakashi~ Thinner Walls

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(part two to thin walls)

You had your robe wrapped around you and you were really anxious about inviting him over all of a sudden.. What if this was a bad idea.. What if it's not what we expect? Does he like me or is he just horny? You were pulled from your thoughts by a sudden knock at your door. All fear and nervousness dissipated when you opened the door and Kakashi pushed in, kicking the door closed and pulling his mask down to reveal his narrow jaw line and beauty mark by his lower lip. He's so handsome.. He brought his large hands up to cup your cheeks and he quickly pressed his lips to yours. You immediately kissed him back feeling your heart flutter from the sudden closeness. He used his thumb to part your lips before slipping his hot tongue into your mouth. You let out a little moan as he swirled his tongue around yours.

"Mmph.. Kakashi..~" You breathed when he parted his lips from yours.

"Sounds better when we're on the same side of the wall." He said in a low tone that sent heat between your legs. You pulled him back into you and kissed his lips eagerly. You tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth and he brought his hands down to your thighs before lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He moved his lips to your neck and started leaving wet kisses before finding your soft spot. He licked it slightly before nipping at it, earning a soft gasp from you.

"Kakashi.. Please..~" You begged, causing Kakashi's ears to perk up slightly.

"Please what, Y/n?" He whispered in your ear, enjoying the sound of your begging.

"Please fuck me, Kakashi..~" He smirked into your neck and started walking to where he assumed your bedroom was.

"How long have you been waiting for this, Y/n?" He looked into your eyes and you couldn't help but blush furiously.

"I-I uh.. I've wanted you for a while now.." You admitted, embarrassed that he had heard you moaning his name earlier. He laid you down on the bed and hovered above you.

"I see.. Since we're being honest.." He leaned down and kissed your neck. You let out an audible breath and closed your eyes briefly.

"I was kinda relieved to know that it wasn't another man pleasing you last night." Your eyes widened slightly as you recalled him asking if you had anyone over.. He smirked at your flushed face and went back to kissing your neck, sucking and nipping at sensitive areas of your skin. He started lowering his kisses to your collarbone and once he got to the clothed part, he slowly pulled the string that was holding your robe together. He bit his lip as your robe slid off your body exposing your nude form.

"You're so sexy.." You felt your face heat up as his hands traveled down from your waist to your breasts, allowing his thumbs to graze over your nipples lightly.

"So are you.." You responded quietly, enjoying the feeling of his hands roaming your body. You brought your hands to the hem of his shirt and started pulling it off of him. He quickly helped you take it off before throwing it to the floor. Your hands instinctively went to his chest and you traced over the contours of his body. You blushed at the sight of his bulge growing in his sweatpants. You hesitantly brushed your hand against it, stroking him through the fabric.

"Feels better when you're the one touching me too.~" He said in a husky voice. You tried to pull his pants down but with him on top of you it was a little difficult.

"Eager are we?~" He chuckled before standing to remove his sweatpants. You sat up and swallowed hard when you saw his erection. You weren't expecting it to be so big..

"Like what you see?" He smirked and you nodded vigorously.

"Y-you're so big.. Is it going to fit?" You asked nervously. He sensed your nervousness and crawled over to you, kissing your forehead lightly.

"I'll go slow at first, don't worry.~" He said, cupping your cheek. He gave you a soft kiss and slowly laid you back down on the bed as the kiss grew more heated. As he kissed you, he guided himself to your dripping entrance. He pressed his tip in between your lower lips, causing your mouth to open from the new feeling. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and pushed himself deeper into your wetness.

"Fuck, Y/n. You're so wet..and tight..~" He moaned as he pulled out slightly so he could push further into you. You gasped as he brushed against your g-spot.

"K-Kakashi, are you all the way in?~" You said breathlessly from the stimulation.

"Almost, are you in any pain, Y/n?" He asked you, his voice showing slight concern.

"N-no, you um.. Ahh..~ You're so deep..~" He nodded in understanding as he pushed himself the rest of the way in, hitting as deep as you would allow. Your eyes closed from the pleasure radiating through your lower region and you moaned Kakashi's name.

"I'm gonna start moving, okay?" He looked to you for confirmation and you nodded in response. He pulled himself out half-way before slowly pushing himself back into you, causing your eyes to roll back as his member brushed your g-spot. His strokes were slow but the way he filled you up perfectly was pure ecstasy.

"You feel so good, Kakashi..~" You moaned as he leaned into you, kissing your jaw to your ear.

"I could say the same about you.~" He whispered, sending shivers down your spine.

"Kakashi.. f-faster please..~" He complied and picked up his pace, thrusting into your heat. You moaned loudly and dug your fingers into his biceps. Kakashi felt his skin get hot as you moaned his name and whimpered from beneath him. Your brows cinched and your lips parted slightly as he continuously hit your g-spot at a quicker pace.

"Shit, Y/n.. If you keep that up I'm gonna cum.." He said, feeling even more arousal from the face you were making.

"S-so good..~" You whined, causing his thrusts to become faster and harder. You felt the knot forming in your stomach as he filled your hole repeatedly. You clamped your muscles around him and he let out a low moan.

"Fuck, you like my cock that much?" His words made you flex around him harder, trying to keep him inside of you.

"Yes..!~" You moaned, feeling his shaft pulling out, only to be sucked back in.

"Your pussy keeps sucking me in..~" He whispered seductively in your ear before biting it. He trailed his tongue along your neck, leaving fresh hickeys on your skin. You felt like you were close to finishing so you wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him to pound into you.

"Unggh.. Kakashi..~" You whimpered as the sensitivity rose within you. Your breathing turned into pants as you neared your climax.

"You sound so dirty when you moan like that.~" He groaned lustfully. He felt himself getting close and his thrusts became sloppy as his hips bucked forward.

"Shit, I'm close. Cum on my cock, Y/n.~" He cursed, closing his eyes as he felt the knot tightening in his abdomen. With another thrust, you cried out Kakashi's name and came all over his length. As soon as Kakashi felt your juices lubricating his member, he pulled out, twitching before shooting his cum on your stomach. The only sounds in the room were of you and Kakashi breathing heavily.

"Let me get you cleaned up." He chuckled slightly, getting up and grabbing a towel. He wiped his fluids off of you and you attempted to sit up, which proved to be very difficult.

"Woah.. You might want to take it easy.." He said, helping you sit up. You wrapped your robe around your body as Kakashi slipped on his sweatpants.

"Can you grab m-my shorts and t-shirt?" You pointed at the desk where your pajamas were folded neatly. He handed you your shirt to put on and helped you into your shorts, since your legs felt like jelly.

"Do you.. want to come over? Like, stay the night with me?" Kakashi asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"As long as I don't have to sleep on your couch again.~" You teased, causing him to chuckle.

"Of course not. You'll be sleeping with me." He winked, earning a blush from you. You nodded and he suddenly picked you up bridal style.

"Ahh! Kakashi!" You yelped as he carried you to your living room and towards the door.

"Hey, you don't want to be too loud, we have thin walls.~" He smirked, carrying you to his apartment.


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