Pein (Nagato)~Piercings

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***for this specific request, we're gonna pretend that Nagato's legs weren't crippled by Hanzo's attack and we're just gonna pretend the rods aren't there. i don't want to write it before the Hanzo attack simply because they were 15 and they are children***

(requested by pugfeatures on quotev!)

includes- shower sex, genital piercings, impregnation (not a breeding kink but if you want one of those with another character let me know)

"Nagato.. Are you sure you don't want to do anything for your birthday? I mean.. You're twenty now. Surely there's something you'd want to do." You asked your boyfriend who just shook his head. He usually wanted to be left alone on his birthday but since you moved in with him eight months ago, you decided to stay by his side.

"No. We can't risk going out and you know I don't celebrate, Y/n." It was true. He didn't celebrate. He used to celebrate with his parents but then they were killed in the war. Then when he was comfortable with Yahiko and Konan they celebrated once. Then Yahiko died. It was understandable why he wouldn't want to celebrate his birthday again.

"Okay.. well if there is anything you need, let me know. I at least want you to be happy today. I'm going to take a shower and then we can figure out how to expand the Akatsuki." You caressed his cheek, causing him to give you a small smile.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Pein~" You teased before walking to the bathroom.

Nagato sat there for a moment thinking about why he didn't celebrate his birthday but he would celebrate yours and Konan's if she ever wanted to. He thought about how he would want to raise his future child in a world where there was no war and bloodshed. He thought about the way you called him by his alias and he chuckled.

"The world is far from peaceful but maybe.. maybe a child could bring hope for a new world without bloodshed." He said to himself. He had talked to you a while ago about his views on becoming parents and although you were ready to become a mother, he had always said he wanted to wait until the world was a safer place.

Having made up his mind, he stood and walked to the bathroom where he heard the shower running and you humming some tune you had heard the other day. He turned the knob and walked in, startling you.

"Oh god! Nagato, you scared me!" You said, catching your breath before sliding the shower curtain slightly to peek out. You saw him getting undressed and you smirked to yourself.

"Coming to join me..?~" You teased. He rolled his eyes before moving the curtain to step in fully. You shifted slightly so he could wet his hair and body down.

"Have you washed your hair yet?" He asked, water dripping down his chin.

"Yes, I was about to wash my body." You explained before Nagato took your body wash and squeezed some into his palm.

It wasn't anything new to you, you two showered and washed each other often. It was just another form of intimacy for you two.

He glided his soapy hands across your shoulders and down your arms. He kneeled down to lather your legs, softly squeezing your inner thigh before pressing a kiss to your stomach. Your breathing hitched as you quickly realized this was going to be more than just a normal shower.

He slid his hands behind you to squeeze your ass as he continued to kiss down your stomach. He parted your legs slightly before kissing your lower lips, earning a soft hum from you.

He licked your opening before sucking gently on your clit. You let out a soft moan and brought your hands into his hair, pulling at the strands. He hummed against you, sending vibrations through your lower region.

"Fuck.. Nagato..~" He nodded as he licked you, applying more pressure. You felt the knot forming in your stomach as he began sucking your clit with more pressure from before.

You pulled his hair as your legs shook from under you. He helped keep you stable as his tongue massaged you in circular motions. He continued humming against your sensitive bud, causing the knot in your stomach to tighten.

Your breathing quickened as he continued these motions until you reached your limit. You threw your head back, moaning, as you came in his mouth. Your legs buckled and Nagato quickly held you up by your waist as he stood. He let the water rinse you off before rinsing his face.

You reached out and grabbed his erection, slowly stroking the underside of his shaft. You felt the ridges where his piercings were and he breathed in heavily. His 'Jacob's Ladder' made him incredibly sensitive to the touch and it was a game changer for you as well.

Not wanting to waste another second, Nagato lifted you up by your thighs and eased you down onto him. You let out a moan as you felt the ball-ends of his piercings graze your inner walls, stimulating you further.

He lifted you up slightly before settling you back down onto him. He let out a soft moan as your walls squeezed around his sensitive member. You grind your hips against his, eager for more friction, and he pressed your back to the shower wall.

He thrust in and out of you and kissed you desperately. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and fought him for dominance, ultimately losing in the end. You were moaning into each other's mouths as he pushed in and out of your heat.

"Holy fuck, Y/n.." He groaned as your face twisted with pleasure from him stimulating your g-spot with his piercings. He kissed your neck and felt himself nearing his climax.

You tightened your legs around him, feeling your second orgasm approaching quickly. You tightened your walls around him, making it harder for him to thrust. His piercings stimulated your g-spot until you finally came around him.

"Y/n, I'm about to-"

"Cum inside me, we'll deal with it later~" You moaned, not wanting this feeling to stop. He pressed his lips to yours as he shot his seed deep inside of you. You flexed your walls around him, milking his orgasm.

"Oh fuck..~" He breathed heavily. He was still holding you and he was still inside of you.

"I was thinking about what we've been talking about." He said suddenly. You gave him a lazy smile before humming in response.

"I changed my mind. I think having a child would be a sign of hope. Something I haven't had in a long time." Your eyes widened as he spoke and you began to feel excited.

"You mean.."

"Yes. I'm ready to make you a mother." He said, kissing your lips tenderly. He carefully set you down so you could step out and dry off while he cleaned himself up.

That night you guys talked about what excites you about parenting and what makes you nervous. You came up with potential names for the baby. Fuso if it was a girl (after his mother) and Yahiko if you had a boy.

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