Sasuke Modern~Appreciation

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forgive any spelling/grammar errors. i wanted to publish this quickly and didn't have much time to edit/check for mistakes.

requested by DoraSalvatore08 on wattpad!

"I don't see why you have to go babysit your brother in a city two hours away." Sasuke grumbled. You rolled your eyes as you packed your bag.

"Because my dad has a work event out of town and my mother was invited to attend it with him. Their usual babysitter is graduating high school and they aren't gonna ask her to skip out on the class party after the ceremony. It's just two nights, Sasuke." You explained for the third time.

He huffed and rolled his eyes. You had asked him if he wanted to come with you but him being the prideful man he is, declined. 'You don't sound like you want me to come so I won't.' was his excuse. You knew he didn't want to stay in the apartment alone for two days so you would have to resort to other measures to get him to come along.

"Sasuke.. Will you please come with me? I don't want to drive by myself.." You asked sincerely. You didn't mind driving alone but you preferred when he was with you on your longer trips.

"You're not just saying that to get me to come along are you?" He asked, knowing he was being stubborn and you were trying to get him to cooperate.

"Sasuke, I want you to come with me. I like talking to you on long car rides and I don't want to sleep alone for two nights.." You said, walking over to where he was sitting on the bed.

He let you stand in between his legs and he wrapped his arms loosely around your torso.

"And I know you don't want to sleep alone for two nights either. Please come with me?" You asked, cupping his jaw with your hand and swiping your thumb over his cheek.

"Since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll go.." He sighed, resting his head on your chest. You smiled to yourself and ran your fingers gently through his hair.

"Alright, let's pack your bag so we can leave." You said before abruptly pulling away from his grasp. He narrowed his eyes at you before getting up and grabbing some clothes out of his drawers and shoving them into your bag.

"Your bag is big enough, let's get some food before leaving town." He said nonchalantly. You stared at him as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his keys. Sasuke.. You are insufferable sometimes. You chuckled to yourself as you grabbed the bag and walked out of the door that he held open.


"Thank you for coming on such short notice! Sasuke, it's always lovely to see you as well!" Your mother greeted you both at the door. You smiled and hugged her as Sasuke shook your father's hand.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. L/n." He replied, returning the hug she gave him.

"How many times have I told you to call me 'M/n'? No need to be so formal after these past few years!" She laughed. Sasuke smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, it's just a habit." He responded sheepishly.

You both said goodbye to your parents and waited until you had to pick up your little brother from school.

"I think b/n will be excited to see you! He's always asking about you when we video call!" You said, walking upstairs to your old bedroom. You heard Sasuke chuckle before you opened the door and found your room exactly how you left it, save for it being dusted before your arrival.

"It's been a while since I've seen this room." Sasuke said with amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, except you never used the door." You laughed, thinking back to the times where he would climb the tree outside your window to sneak in.

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