Deidara~True Art

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includes- oral (obviously), cum denial, slight praise

"Deidara! Where are we going?" You laughed as your best friend pulled you up onto his flying clay monstrosity and started soaring through the sky.

"I'm taking you somewhere away from the others! Tobi is getting on my nerves and if I have to hear his annoying voice one more time tonight, I'll turn him into art!" He spoke with irritation but turned passionate when thinking about what kind of explosion Tobi would make.

"Dei, you know Pein would get mad at you if you did that.." You said in a warning voice that caused him to chuckle.

"I know, that's why we left them, Y/n." He said, flicking your forehead. You rubbed the spot with your fingers, wincing.

"Ow.." He chuckled and began to fly faster, causing you to feel unstable and grab onto his cloak.

"Dei, slow down!" You yelled, gripping hard onto his cloak. He laughed from in front of you and sped up. You shut your eyes tightly waiting for it to be over.

Several minutes passed and you had come to a stop but you weren't ready to let go. You still felt as if you were soaring way too fast.

"Y/n, you can let go! We're here!" Dei said excitedly. You shook your head against his back and he turned slightly.

"Hey, what's the big idea? Are you okay?" He sounded irritated at first but upon seeing your eyes shut tightly as you clung to him, he began to worry.

"Hey.. Y/n.. I- I'm sorry. I didn't know I would scare you like that. I was just trying to tease you." You took a deep breath before opening your eyes and looking up at Deidara. You relaxed and let go of his cloak before getting off of the clay monster.

"It's okay.. Anyway.. Where are we?" You asked, changing the subject.

"Away from everyone else. Finally some peace and quiet before our next assignment." He said, falling to the grass. He smiled as you stood there watching him. His long hair laid around his head and you wondered how tight his ponytail had to be to stick up like that.

"Whatcha staring at?" He asked casually. You rolled your eyes and laid on the grass next to him.

"You ever get headaches from your ponytail?" You asked him bluntly. He seemed to shrug.

"Eh. Sometimes, but it's whatever." He said so casually. You rolled your eyes before turning on your side to face him.

"You can take it down if it makes you feel better, Dei." You said sincerely. He turned his head to face you and he smirked.

"Worried about me, Y/n? How thoughtful of you~" He teased. You glared at him, causing him to laugh and sit up so he could untie his ponytail. You watched as his hair fell with the rest down his back. He looks quite different with his hair down..

"Feel better?" You asked, wondering if the tension he was feeling had ceased.

"Honestly, yes." You were shocked that he didn't have anything snarky to say. He only breathed a sigh of relief. You shifted back onto your back and stared up at the sky.

"However.. You look tense." You raised your eyebrows while looking at the sky.

"Worried about me, Dei~?" You mocked him before smirking. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Guess I set myself up for that one. But yes. You won't be able to do any missions properly if you don't relax." He responded.

"Easy for you to say. I'm always on my feet. I gather information for the Akatsuki for crying out loud. I can't afford to relax." You scoffed. He pursed his lips together.

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