Kakashi x Male Reader~Hold It

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this is my first x male reader so i am sorry if it isn't all that good! i did a bit of 'research' (i just read x male reader smut) and this is what i came up with! let me know what you think and if y'all would be interested in a part two where the reader switches!

(includes: cum denial)

"You're kidding." You deadpanned as you looked at your partner, who was reading his perverted book by the tree.

"What?" He asked, not even looking up from the pages of erotica.

"How can you read that on a mission?" He lifted his eye to glance at you before he looked back down.

"The mission's over. I'm winding down before we have to go back to Konoha." You rolled your eyes at his pathetic excuse before responding.

"You literally read it any spare moment you get. You really are quite the pervert, Kakashi." You laughed, grabbing a clean set of clothes from your bag.

"I'm not a pervert. I just happen to like this genre of writing."

"Okay, Bakashi." You snort.

"Oh, save it. You can't say that this type of stuff doesn't excite you a little?" He asked, pointing towards his book. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"Nope. Not my cup of tea." You answer, taking a few steps towards the door.

"What, are you gay or something?" You froze in your place. Hit the nail right on the head, Bakashi.

"So what if I am? At least I'm not a pervert." You said, walking out of the room. Kakashi's eye was wide at your response. He wasn't exactly expecting you to admit it.

You walked to the hot springs that belonged to the particular inn you were staying at and stripped before getting into the hot water. You folded your towel and put it on top of your head.

Submerging yourself into the hot water, you let out a content sigh. You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes, allowing the hot water to soothe your muscles.

You didn't move when you felt another presence join you in the springs, you just took a deep breath and sank further into the steamy water.

"Are you actually gay?" You flinched slightly, realizing that it was Kakashi that had joined you. You looked at him and noticed he was leaning against the wall across from you and of course he had his mask on. Fucking weirdo. You thought.

"Um. Yeah. Why are you homophobic? Because, if you are, I'll let you know now that nothing you say will hurt me. I am comfortable with who I am and I deserve to love who I chose to love-"

"No, I'm not homophobic. I just didn't know that you were gay. I never got that vibe from you." He shrugged his shoulders. You raised your eyebrows in response.

"What? Did you think that because I'm gay, I have to be a medical ninja? Or a teacher?" (sorry Iruka, you're just a little fruity to me T.T)

"No, I mean- I've never seen you out on any dates. I've never seen you flirt with a man. You haven't tried flirting with me-"

"HA! That's laughable, Bakashi. Just because I like men, doesn't mean that I want to jump on every single one. I don't go on dates because the selection of gay, attractive men in Konoha isn't exactly broad. It's a very small dating pool. Plus, I don't hit on straight men. I don't chase after the unattainable no matter how attractive they may be." Kakashi raised his eyebrow at you slightly.

"Who do you find attractive?" He asked casually, moving from across the springs to sit about four feet away from you.

"Why does it matter to you, Bakashi? Are you planning to spill my dirty little secrets to your bffs?" You asked, rolling your eyes.

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