10 More than sure

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I was just about to disinfect the makeup brushes when long, muscular arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Just by the feeling I knew it was Roman, but also his delicious scent gave him away.

With a contented sigh, I leaned against his chest while he pressed a kiss to the side of my head.

"How is my beautiful girlfriend?" he murmured in my ear.

"Mmmh... she's fine. And how is my Romeo?" I replied softly.

"Romeo? That's new!" he stated.

I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. With a smile, I looked up at him and saw that he was also smiling contentedly.

"I know, but it suits you very well. Don't you think?" I asked as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his full lips.

"You can call me whatever you want, angel," he growled as his arms tightened around me and he pulled me closer.

Since our first date, a few weeks had passed. And I had to admit that I had not expected how damn happy he made me with his presence. Whenever we spent a few days apart, I missed him already after a few hours.

Roman was the light in my life that I never thought I would find again. I didn't know how to describe it, but somehow he was perfect. Or well, at least perfect for me. Even if it was probably the rose-colored glasses that made me see things a bit differently.

I was also very grateful that he agreed to take it slowly. I just didn't want to rush anything. And that he accepted and supported my wish showed me even more what a great man he was.

"Roman? Hurry up, we're... oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt. Roman, please, everyone is waiting for you. After all, you are here at work." said a woman from the door, not sounding the least bit sorry.

Reluctantly, we broke away from each other and looked at her. It was Brenda. By now I knew who she was because Roman showed her to me so I knew who to keep an eye on. But to be honest, even if I hadn't known who she was, one look from her was enough to know. This woman looked at me with such loathing. If looks could kill, I thought to myself.

"I'll be right there. See you later, angel." Roman said to me as he took my face in his hands and gave me a kiss goodbye.

As he left the room I saw her smile at him, but when he had walked past her she gave me another burning look.

My goodness, this woman really didn't let anything get in the way of her obsession. I rolled my eyes as I returned to my task.


"Ready to go?" I heard behind me and when I turned around I saw a happy looking yet exhausted Roman.

"Of course! Tired?" I asked as I gave him a quick kiss before we made our way to the rental car together to then head to the hotel.

"I'm fine, angel. Don't worry." He assured me as he took my hand in his.

After only 10 minutes of driving we arrived at the hotel and went to the room we shared.

"Get some rest. I'm just going to take a quick shower." I said as I searched in my suitcase for my pajamas.

Then I went into the bathroom and went into the shower. The hot water relaxed my hardened muscles. It was such a pleasant feeling that my thoughts began to wander off. I had to think about the hot man waiting for me in the other room. It was as if I could feel his hands on my skin. Suddenly a warmth flowed through me that had nothing to do with the temperature of the water.

I quickly turned off the water and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it tightly around me. Then I looked in the mirror and thought. For a moment I closed my eyes. Immediately I saw Roman in front of me, smirking seductively at me. Just thinking about the expression in his eyes made my knees weak.

I ignored the pajamas sitting on the countertop and stepped out into the bedroom. Roman was lying on the bed playing with his phone.

"Hey, Romeo..." I breathed in a low whisper.

His eyes broke away from his phone and locked on me. Roman's eyes widened and I saw him licking his lips. Obviously, he didn't expect this sight.

"Wow... I mean, hey angel." he stuttered.

"Look, I know I said I wanted to take it slow, but.... well, I think I'm ready to take the next step." I said quietly as I sat down next to him on the bed and reached for his hand.

"What? Are you sure about this? I mean, don't get me wrong, because I.... Boy, how do I say this... I really want you, but I definitely don't want you to feel pressured or anything." he babbled. His voice was even deeper than normal. God help me.

I had to giggle. I just couldn't help it. He was just so damn gorgeous, especially when he was nervous.

"You're the perfect gentleman, Ro! You've never pressured me into anything. And I want you too. It's been a while, but it's not like I'm a virgin." I giggled at his nervousness.

I slid a little closer to him and then put his hand on my hip before leaning in close.

"Come on, Reigns. Don't keep me waiting. Show me what you've got," I whispered to him.

Immediately I saw the sparkle in his eyes. Slowly, he pressed his lips to mine. With a relieved moan I opened my mouth and licked his lower lip.

"Say you're sure, Y/N." he whispered against my mouth.

"I'm sure. More than sure." I replied as I looked him firmly in the eyes.

"That's good. Because I'm sure it will make me fall in love with you, angel. Or maybe I should say, I'll fall in love with you more." he breathed.

"That's alright, because I'm in love with you too." I replied and then loosened the towel before pressing myself against him with all my strength.

That night we took our sweet time. Everything, every stroking, every kiss, every nibble and every thrust, felt heavenly. Nothing could compare to it. We fit so well together. In every way. Like two pieces of a puzzle. He drew me to him like a moth to a flame.

Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now