19 Sharing the news

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Roman POV

"Too bad we have to work again today. Somehow the holidays were way too short," Y/N sighed as I opened the door of our rental car and held out my hand to her.

"Yes, I know, but I promise you that in return our honeymoon will be longer. I can't wait to take you to a tropical place where no one can bother us," I said to her as we walked hand in hand to the entrance of the arena where today's show would take place.

"Hey guys! How are you all doing? How were the holidays?" we heard Dean ask as soon as we were through the security check. He came up to us, closely followed by Seth.

"Hey boys. It's been great. We've got lots to tell you!" I replied.

"Oh like what?" wanted Seth to know, of course. It was just in his curious nature that he always wanted to be up to date.

"Oh thank God, Y/N. You're already there! We have a problem and we need to find a solution right away!" said Amanda who suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Sorry guys, work calls. I'll see you later. Love you." said Y/N to me and then stretched to give me a goodbye kiss.

"Love you too!" I replied.

But then she paused for a moment and looked at me smiling. She raised her hand to wipe my lips with her thumb.

"Lip gloss?" I asked.

"Yep. See you later." she laughed, turning around and then followed Amanda.

"Dude, nice watch! Is that new?" Seth wanted to know as he looked at my wrist.

I raised my hand to show it to him. I looked with pride at the special piece Y/N had picked out for me.

"Yes, well new to me. It's a vintage Rolex from 1985, the year I was born. Y/N gave it to me for Christmas." I replied as we made our way to the locker room together.

"Wow. That's great and a really great idea," Dean said.

"Right? I have the best fiancée!" I replied, waiting for what I had said to sink in with them both.

When I saw the astonishment on their faces, I couldn't help but laugh. They both definitely looked like they couldn't believe their ears.

"Your what now? Seriously?" Seth then asked.

"Yeah, I asked Y/N to marry me and she said yes," I explained to him.

Before I knew it, both had already pulled me into a bear hug. I would say it was safe to say they were happy for me and my angel.

"Congratulations, Roman! That's so great. I'm so happy for you guys!" said Dean.

"Me too. Very much so. I knew right away she had you hooked. But now if you'll excuse me," Seth added and then took off running.

Dean and I watched him for a moment as we shook our heads and then kept walking. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was going on in his mind.


"How the hell did this happen? This has never happened to us before! Everything was safely packed, as always, wasn't it? What does the record say? Who was responsible for packing?" I asked as I went through the makeup products with Amanda that hadn't survived transport from our last location.

"It was Sophie. I'm so mad. We need to make a list quickly and get to Sephora and the drugstore. We are now missing quite a few foundation colors. And so on..." replied Amanda anything but happy. That was perfectly understandable, because some of these products were not exactly cheap.

"Yes, that would be best. And we need to-" I began.

But suddenly I was spun around and lifted up. It was Seth and he was grinning at me enthusiastically. I guessed it was safe to say that Roman had told the boys our news.

"Woooo, Seth, put me down!" I squealed as he started spinning me around.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!" he shrieked, sounding almost like a little girl.

I had to laugh at his joy and exuberance. He set me back on my feet and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, Seth. Thank you so much." I replied, touched.

Then he reached for my hand and looked at the beautiful, unique ring that sat firmly on my finger.

"Damn. He did a good job with that one." he praised.

"I know. I can't believe this is really happening." I said softly, stroking the ring.

"Oh I'm going to make sure of that personally. No one deserves this more than you two." replied Seth and I saw his eyes glisten a little.

"About that, we were going to ask you for a favor, but we need to talk to Dean as well," I said.

Immediately I had Seth's full attention. I was sure they would do a good job. And Roman, my handsome fiancé saw it the same way.

Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now