20 I can love again

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I stood at the window and let my eyes travel around. He was such a beautiful place. I was glad we had found it.

"Nervous?" asked Renée as she handed me my bouquet.

"Not at all." I replied with a smile as Dean entered the room.

"Is the bride ready? It's almost time." he said, giving his wife a quick kiss.

"Yes, I'm ready. How is he?" I wanted to know.

"He's excited. And I'm sure he'll cry at the sight of you." said Dean, smiling.

"Aww! Are you saying I look good?" I asked laughing.

"You do. I'm glad you guys found each other." he replied.

"Thank you, Dean. For everything." I said and had to pull myself together so I wouldn't start crying. Besides, I didn't want to mess up my makeup.

"Nah, not for that. But remind me again... why does Seth get to do the cooler job?" he wanted to know, pouting a little.

"Well, we thought you'd have a hard time not making inappropriate comments," I explained again.

"She's got a point, babe." giggled Renée.

"Maybe you're right." he grumbled.

"And your job is pretty damn important, too. For today, you're my dad. You have to make sure I don't trip. It's your job to give me to Roman. But if it makes you feel any better.... if Roman doesn't cry or if Seth says something inappropriate, you can kick them," I replied.

"That sounds good. Then let's go. The sunset waits for no one," he said and then held out his arm for me to join him.

As Roman and I talked about our ideas for our wedding, we realized almost immediately that we wanted to keep it as small and intimate as possible. We'd both had big, elaborate weddings. Now we wanted to focus on just us. We would have preferred to do it all by ourselves, but we both knew that wouldn't have gone over well with his mom.

And here we were. On our wedding day in January. We found this beautiful white gazebo that had a gorgeous view over the Tampa Bay. It was perfect for us and our 25 guests.

Everything, just everything had gone smoothly during the preparations. I had found a dress right away. It was a knee length, ivory lace dress. The location didn't have a reservation that very day and everyone who was invited had time.

I was convinced that our angels had something to do with it. They watched over us and helped us to do everything as we imagined it. Today they were very close to us. I just felt that.

Renée gave the signal to the guitar player to start playing. The classical Canon in D by Pachelbel. I have always loved that.

On Dean's arm I slowly walked towards the gazebo where Roman would be waiting for me. As soon as our eyes met, I saw him start to smile happily, but at the same time the first tears glistened in his beautiful eyes.

"Looks like he won't get a kick." Dean whispered to me as we arrived by my future husband.

He then gave me a kiss on the cheek and placed my hand in Roman's meaningfully.

"You look stunning, angel," he breathed.

"You look stunning too, Romeo," I replied.

"Dearly beloved guests. We are gathered here today to celebrate love with Roman and Y/N. I am sure you will all agree with me when I say that no one deserves it more than these two. 

I was there when Roman saw Y/N for the first time. And let me tell you, from the first moment on he was smitten. The two were meant to find each other. It was destined and no matter what obstacles they have faced or will face, I just know that they are strong enough to make it through.

Fate has not always been kind to them, but neither of them has let it destroy them. On the contrary, we have here two extraordinary people who together form an inseparable, strong unit.

Roman, please tell Y/N what she means to you," said Seth who officiated the ceremony.

"Y/N, my angel. Seth is right. As soon as I laid eyes on you I was smitten. I immediately felt the need to take you in my arms and comfort you. From that moment on, you had my full attention.

I didn't know it back then, but I found something in you that I wasn't even looking for. You taught me to enjoy life to the fullest, because none of us knows how much time we really have. With you by my side, life is so much more beautiful and precious. I promise to love and honor you. I will protect you. And I will be grateful to you every single day for bringing love back into my life.

You are truly a gift from the heavens. You are the strongest person I know. You are the sweetest thing I know. Y/N, you are the only woman who has touched my heart and at the same time you have healed my soul. I love you, Y/N. More every day." Roman said while holding my hand tightly, looking deep into my eyes and then sliding my wedding band on my finger.

"Roman, my Romeo. With you I feel safe. From the first time I leaned my head against your chest to fall asleep, I felt safe and comfortable. They say it's darkest before the dawn. And I can say that this is true. You came into my life as a shining light. A light that showed me that it is not only possible to move on, but that it is okay to do so.

You accepted my past and helped me to do the same. And although the pain will never go away completely, it is so much easier to bear as long as you are by my side. You make me happy. So incredibly happy. I am grateful to you for coming into my life and I am grateful to the angels who sent you to me. I can live again and more importantly, I can love again!

For your undying support and care alone, I will always be grateful. You healed my broken heart and soothed the pain in my soul. You are the love everyone deserves and seeks in their life. I love you and I will always love you," I said with tears running down my cheeks. I took a deep breath and then put Roman's ring on my finger.

We waited for Seth to continue, but nothing happened.

"Seth?" asked Roman, looking at him.

"What, oh yeah, sorry. That was beautiful." he sniffled and everything present had to laugh. I couldn't see it, but I was sure Dean was rolling his eyes.

"Do you, Roman Reigns, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked Seth after clearing his throat.

"I do!" replied Roman in a firm voice.

"And you, Y/N L/N, do you take, Roman as your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked me.

"I do!" I answered, beaming.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Roman, you may kiss the bride." said Seth, sounding very proud.

Carefully, Roman took my face in his hands and gave me a loving kiss. The first kiss as my husband. Our first kiss as a married couple.

This right here was a sign that miracles really can happen.

Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now