26 Backstage break

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"....and then Daddy punches the smile off the fucking Scotsman's face before giving him a massive spear to win the match." Roman spoke to my stomach as we lay together backstage on a sofa enjoying my break.

He had his head tilted to my belly and was gently rubbing it. I was 12 weeks pregnant and slowly starting to show. Although I knew that it would show faster the second time around than the first. But I didn't think it would happen so quickly.

I laughed and flicked against Romans's forehead.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he asked as he lifted his head to get a better look at me.

"Don't swear in front of the nugget, mister!" I explained to him, giggling.

"Oh... Sorry." he then said.

"You know, Romeo. I wouldn't mind if you stopped shaving." I said as I ran my hand down his scruffy bearded cheek. I know it was hardly possible, but somehow the beard made him even sexier.

"Really? Well, if my wife likes the look, I should probably think about growing a full beard," he replied with a smirk.

"You should start warming up now. Charlotte should be here any minute, too. And I want to be done with her before your match is on so I don't miss a second," I said then.

Roman looked at his phone to see what time it was. He sighed and got up from the sofa. He then helped me up and pulled me into his arms.

"You're right, although I'd much rather do other things with you." he smirked and winked at me.

"Oh, you can still do that tonight. Maybe you'll get lucky and get an extra long back massage. I'm sure you're going to need it, Daddy." I replied, reaching up to give him a kiss.

"Woah! Girl, there's no need to call your husband that in public. I could have lived good without knowing that." we heard Dean's raspy voice say behind us. And he wasn't alone. Seth was standing behind him, carrying his new title over his shoulder.

"God, Dean! That's not what I meant!" I gushed, slapping myself on the forehead.

I knew exactly how that must sound to them when I called Roman 'Daddy'.

"Hey it's okay. Maybe save it for the bedroom though." he chuckled and gave Seth a fist bump. Seth nearly doubled over laughing, too.

"We did. That's why I can call him Daddy whenever I want." I grinned, waiting for them both to understand what I meant.

"Huh? What?" replied Dean, but then his eyes nearly popped out of his face.

"No way!" he gasped.

"Yes way!" laughed Roman.

"You're having a baby?" Seth wanted to know.

"Yep. You got that right." I confirmed.

Immediately, the two men came running over and wrapped Roman in a group hug. They cheered and congratulated their brother. I stood next to them and couldn't believe it. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Hey!" I said, a little offended.

"Oh we're sorry, Y/N! Congratulations. We are so happy for you!" said Seth as he and Dean broke away from my husband and now embraced me.

"That's much better." I said as Roman now embraced me as well.

"I knew something was up!" said Dean a few minutes later.

"Really and why?" asked Roman as he hugged me from behind.

"I can't say that without you smacking me, buddy." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why should I?" asked Roman, confused.

"I can guess what it is. You've probably noticed that my boobs have gotten bigger." I laughed.

"Well, yeah okay. You're right. I'm a man and I just notice stuff like that! Likewise, I've noticed Roman's big grin that he can't get off his face." Dean admitted, his cheeks glowing red like tomatoes. Even his beard could not hide that.

"What does your family say?" Seth then asked, trying to bring the attention back to the topic at hand.

"They are very happy for us. Roman's sisters are already fighting over who gets to throw the baby shower," I replied.

"Yes, and mom has already bought clothes for the baby and started knitting a blanket." Roman added.

"When is baby Reigns due?" then Seth wanted to know.

"The due date is October the 16th," Roman said.

"That's great. Oh fuck! We forgot we were supposed to tell you to come to Rupert's," Dean said.

Immediately I flicked his forehead too. Just like I had done to Roman before.

"Hey, what did I do?" he asked, confused.

"Don't swear in front of the nugget." I said laughing.

Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story]Where stories live. Discover now