13 Ultimatum

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Roman POV

Slowly I walked through the aisles backstage while my angel clung to me for dear life. It hurt me so much to see her so devastated. She didn't deserve to be treated so disgustingly. Not from anyone and certainly not from that bitch. How dare she? How desperate and crazy did one have to be to sink so low?

I kicked open the door to the locker room and took a quick look around. There were only a few of the guys here. I sighed, because I was actually hoping that no one would be here.

"Can you please leave?" I asked in a more than strained voice.

They immediately sensed that I was not in the mood to argue and just left the room. Well, all but one. Seth, stayed behind. His gaze wandered back and forth between me and Y/N. Immediately he frowned in concern.

"What happened?" he wanted to know.

"Later. Can you do me a favor? Please get Stephanie. Tell her it's urgent. Thanks," I replied.

Seth nodded, looked at us for a moment longer, but then went on his way as well. There was no way the conversation with Stephanie could wait. I wanted this fake snake gone. Even if I might have to take extreme measures to do so. It did not matter to me. All that mattered to me was Y/N.

"It's all right, angel. We are alone. Don't worry, I'm with you," I whispered, hoping she would calm down a bit. But I doubted that would happen anytime soon.

"Why? Why did she have to do that? I don't understand!" she cried with her head on my shoulder as I sat down on the old, worn leather sofa that stood in the corner of the locker room.

"She's just jealous. I promise you, Y/N, that she will never come near us again," I said softly as I continued to stroke her back. I could feel how irregularly she was breathing.

"It's already too late. Now everyone knows that I lost my family. She made me say it out loud. All she wanted was to humiliate and expose me. And she succeeded. I was finally feeling better. I was starting to come to terms with the loss of James and my sweet little Eric.

I could breathe freely here because no one was looking at me with that look. It felt so good. Now that's over. It will be just like back home. I can't be reminded of this loss over and over again. It hurts, Ro. It hurts so much. Make it stop," she sobbed.

Seeing her like this broke my heart. Just like the day she told me her story for the first time. I would have done anything in the world to take away her pain.

"I know, baby. And it will always hurt that they are no longer with you. But you know they'll always be near you. James and Eric will forever be a part of your life. But you have to move forward. You are so strong. Look how far you have come. You've taken your pain and turned it into the strength to move on," I explained and then kissed her forehead while gently rocking her back and forth. 

After a few minutes I felt her relax. That was good. I hummed softly to calm her down a little more.

Then the door opened and Seth came in followed by Stephanie and my mom.

"Roman? What's going on?" asked Stephanie.

I got up and gently laid Y/N down on the sofa. Only then did I see that she had fallen asleep. My poor angel. She was absolutely drained emotionally. But even though she was asleep, the tears were still running down her cheeks.

"I really need to talk to you and there's no way it can wait. Mom, can you please stay with Y/N and come get me right away in case she wakes up?" I replied.

Along with Seth and Stephanie, I left the room. I had to take a few deep breaths to pull myself together.

"I want, no, I demand that Brenda will be released effective immediately," I said.

"What, why?" asked Steph, confused.

"She confronted Y/N about things from her past. Very, very personal things. She accused her of lying. Brenda thought she could get me to break up with her. And she practically forced Y/N to speak out publicly about her traumatic past. That crossed a line.

I know you warned her about her behavior towards me. And now I expect her to be kicked out. She is a spiteful, two-faced, arrogant bitch. And this behavior needs to have consequences." I explained to her as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Roman, it's not that simple..." put in Steph.

"Oh it's quite simple. She bullied, humiliated and exposed my girlfriend. Either you fire Brenda. or you leave me no choice but to leave myself." i interrupted her.

"You would leave?" wanted Stephanie to know.

"It's not just him. If that kind of behavior is going to be tolerated, you can take me off the payroll too." said Seth completely unexpectedly.

"I appreciate that, Seth, but you don't have to do this," I said as I looked at him.

"You think I want to work with someone like that? Someone who's willing to take someone down just because they've been rejected? No, bro. I'm on your side." he replied.

Then we both looked at the woman in front of us and waited for her decision. Her gaze wandered back and forth between us. Until she nodded and finally said something.

"Alright Roman. You're right. We have no place for such a toxic person in this company. Consider it done." she said, then walked away.

I gave Seth a quick hug and then went back to Mom and Y/N. Thankfully, she was still asleep. Carefully, I sat down next to her and stroked her over the head.

"Is it true? She lost her husband and her baby? Why didn't you tell me?" Mom asked quietly, and I could clearly hear that she was crying.

"Because it's not my story to tell. Don't worry about it. I will make her feel better. I won't let the woman I love suffer," I replied.

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