25 Midnight

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It was the middle of the night when I woke up with a growling stomach. Slowly and carefully I lifted my head from Roman's chest. He was sound asleep, but his arm was firmly on my hip. Very carefully I took his warm hand and tried to push it away, but man, was his arm heavy.

After I finally managed to break free from his embrace, I slid to the end of the bed. I grabbed one of Roman's hoodies. But just as I was about to put on my sneakers, he started to wake up. Maybe he noticed my absence.

"Hey... Angel. What's the matter? Why aren't you asleep?" he asked me in a tired voice.

"I'm hungry, well, rather the Nugget is hungry, Romeo. Don't worry about it, go back to sleep," I said quietly.

"And why do you need shoes to go to the kitchen?" he wanted to know, rubbing his eyes.

"Because the Nugget is craving chicken nuggets. And we don't have them in the house." I explained to him like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Y/N, it's midnight. You're not going to McDonald's now." he said irritated.

"Why not? Me and the baby are starving! Do you want us to starve?" I whined.

"No, of course I don't. Okay, go back to sleep. I'll drive and get you guys whatever you crave." he replied with a deep sigh before rolling out of bed and getting dressed.

"I'll come with you. Otherwise they'll be cold before you get home." I said with enthusiasm.

"You and your cravings. Tell me... Does that ever go away or is it like that the whole pregnancy?" he wanted to know with a laugh as he came over to me and hugged me.

"Well, when I think about the pregnancy with Eric, it was about the first 5 months. But who knows, maybe your little Nugget is more demanding. After all, there's a reason for that nickname." I replied before giving him a smooch.

"But please do me a favor and don't get any ideas about going to McDonald's or anywhere else in the middle of the night by yourself. Just wake me up and I'll get whatever you two want. Okay?" he said.

Immediately I saw how worried he was. I nodded, realizing that my behavior was probably a bit irrational and impulsive at the moment. Roman was right. It really wasn't such a good idea to drive around alone at midnight just because I had a craving for fast food.

My poor husband really didn't have an easy time in these six weeks since we knew about the pregnancy. I really did not make it easy for him. It was weird, as soon as I knew that I was really pregnant, the first symptoms appeared. From the dizziness and morning sickness to the mood swings and random crying fits. He was just always there for me. And he was so proud to be a father soon. Just the thought of it made his eyes sparkle. Whenever he had the chance, he would protectively put a hand on my stomach and rub little circles with his thumb over the skin there. It was so sweet.

The first time we went to the doctor, he had everything explained to him in detail and asked the doctor many questions. I couldn't help but smile, because for me it was the best feeling in the world to have such a fantastic, devoted man by my side. I was so grateful that through Roman I got a second chance at the full package. He alone was responsible for giving me the confidence to be able to handle this mentally.

I love this man and our little Nugget with every fiber of my being. Without the guilty feeling that had accompanied or rather haunted me for so long. Now, I was sure that James and Eric would be happy for us.

After getting me my food, we headed back home and snuggled back into our soft, cozy bed. My Romeo gently pulled me to his side and sighed contentedly.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"Better than okay, angel! I have everything I need in my arms. You and Nugget. Do you really want to travel with me again? Isn't it too exhausting?" he replied.

"Well, now that the morning sickness is less, I think it's okay. At least for now." I said as I lifted my head to look at him in the dim light.

"But please remember what we talked about. Once it gets too much for you, you can stop anytime. I don't want you to take on too much." he said then and I saw a little worry line form between his eyebrows.

"Don't worry about it, Romeo. I love you and baby Reigns. That means I'll take good care of me." I explained to him as I lifted my hand and stroked his face.

"That's good. Because I love you guys too. And I'm glad we can tell everyone soon that we have a baby on the way. Although, Seth and Dean are already pretty suspicious. And Mom of course!" he explained to me.

"How are you doing with Dean leaving after Wrestlemania?" I asked.

Roman closed his eyes for a moment and then sighed deeply. I knew how he felt. When they had their last match together about two weeks ago, everyone was very emotional.

"I am sad, but I know he has to do what is best for him. We have experienced and achieved so much together. So of course it hurts to see him go. But his happiness is the most important thing." he replied softly.

"I know. But at least we're already working on the next generation of the Shield," I said to cheer him up a bit.

And it worked. Immediately a happy smile appeared on his lips.

"That's a nice thought. But now you should sleep Mommy." he replied and then lifted his head to give me a kiss.

"I love you, angel. And you, Nugget." He added.

"We love you, Daddy!" I smiled before laying back down on his chest.

In the place that has always given me the best and deepest sleep. And who knows, maybe soon it would be the same for our baby.

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