Guess who's there

595 18 4

Your sister ran to you as soon as she saw you.

She held your shoulders in her hands and looked straight in your eyes.

"The three of them are here already, they met before we arrived. Quick question. Remember when I said I would tell you their contact names?"

You nodded.

"Future Priest."

You raised your eyebrows. 

"And his sister Queen of spades."

Oh those were the contact names.

Priest was definitely Taiju.

"And then there's Queen of Hearts."


"Does that ring any bell?"

You hesitated," Maybe? I mean more from deduction but I'm pretty sure I know who Priest is."

Not that you wanted to get your hopes up of course.

But that would mean that you befriended Taiju?

Your insecurity was saying no way. But fuck her.

Your sister didn't let you much time to think as she grabbed your wrist and led you to a table where you saw

Taiju first, sitting in the extremity of a table with booth seats for six people, holding a glass of water, bending slightly over the table because of his height. He was wearing a black leather jacket opened on a sky blue shirt.

Then Emma, right in front of him, with a  pink fruit juice, strawberry or raspberry, smiling and nodding at something a third person said. She had a sleeveless black shirt.

Finally when you where dragged around the table to have a seat, Yuhuza, a yellow fruit juice in front of her, with oh god the exact same jacket as Taiju with a red shirt underneath.


Your body ceased functioning, your mind being overpowered by the sight. 

But since your sister was dragging you around, you fell forward like an idiot.

Thankfully your face didn't hit the ground, embarrassed as hell you quickly got up to find everyone starring at you.

Thank god you had the mask on. The only thing they could see was part of your embarrassed red face and your eyes.

They all flinched upon realizing who you were, you remarked. 

The tension rose slightly as they kind of starred at you hopefully, then looked away as if hurt. 

Oh god.

Emma's expression were the most noticeable, but their body language and  your coming-out-of-nowhere experience told you they all pretty much felt the same.

And one part of your brain had full  trust on this previous knowledge of unknown origins, while the other DIDN'T.


Your sister pushed you next to Emma and sat next to you.


You just froze, it was too much for you to take it.

Your brain needed  to process the current situation.

Just a few minutes.

Your heart was beating so fast you feared it would burst out of your chest and boy that wasn't the best thing to imagine in this moment.

Nobody was saying anything, the ris↥ng tension was forcing you to awkwardly look down on the table.

"So... ", under the table you pinched your arm. Once again thank god you had your mask on, who knew what were your facial expressions right now, "Hello?", but it made the three of them to look at you right in. the. eyes.


"I'm Allinger Andreas...", although in their own way, Emma, Yuhuza and Taiju all frowned upon hearing your name, the same way one would frown upon hearing a false answer. Under the table you pinched yourself harder, "I mean you probably already knew that, so yeah..."

Emma who had her hands clasped together resting on the table momentarily grasped them harder. 

Yuhuza confusedly opened her mouth, but then looked away closing it. 

Taiju kept silent, just starred in amore intense way, as if looking through you. He also seemed to want to say something.

Your sister broke the tension," Good idea! Why not present ourselves once again? I am Asta Allinger, Andreas's sister."

The table went silent for a second. You finally dared to raise you head, only a little bit though.

"I am Shiba Yuhuza.", she pointed at her brother," and this is my brother."

"Shiba Taiju." simply said the male.

"And I am Sano Emma... it is nice to meet you Andreas-san." SKJFJFEHFSAHFE, she smiled at you, a little bit awkwardly though.

"Nice to meet you too!" you squealed. You thought about calling her name but you had no idea how you should call her. 

You couldn't just say Emma that was rude. Emma-san was better but still too familiar when you didn't even knew how close you used to be.

Miss Sano then? Damn that sounded weird for that bitchy forgotten part of your memory that only manifested when it was convenient.

Sano-san sounded equally unfamiliar.

But it was that or being disrespectful, so...

Once again the table was silent. A waiter appeared out of nowhere right when you thought about asking what were your relationship between all of you.

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