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"Just like that?", you asked, sitting on the chair in front of the instant noodles. "

"What?", said Asta reaching for two forks and two spoons.

"You're saying it just like that?", you repeated.

"Do you, perhaps, wish for me to prepare a choreography for the announcement?", proposed your sister with sarcasm.

"No, but like, don't say it so casually.", you protested, "And I want more information about that. And tomorrow's tuesday, they have school!"

"So you don't want to"- "Yes!", you cut her off immediately,"Yes, I do, I just want you to tell me more about it."

"Well, then, after school, we're going to meet at a cafe. This time there will only be Shiba Yuhuza and Sano. Shiba Taiju can't make it, or at least not without raising suspicions which we would like to avoid."

"Hmm.", your eyes shined for a second, "But won't Emma being there will raise suspicions? I mean, how is she going to leave her family and her Draken like that? What's the excuse?"

"Well it's meeting with Yuhuza Shiba, and a new friend they discovered they had in common.", she calmly answered, although you could see the beginning of a smirk on her face.

It made you shiver, "What new friend?"

Asta chuckled as she poured the hot water on both of your instant noodles. "Oh hun."

" 'Oh hun' what?"

She laughed a bit more reaching for a plastic bag on the counter you only noticed now, "Oh dear."

" 'Oh dear' what?"

Only then she offered you the answer, "That new friend is you."

"But"- you zoned out for a second,"But aren't I supposed to, like, not be here?"

The malevolous smirk took over her face, from inside the plastic bag, she took a wig that had straight, long black hair.,"The new friend is you.", she repeated in a whisper.

"Oh hell nah", you automatically replied.

"Well then", she fake sighed as she put the wig and bag aside, and handed you your fork and your spoon (you muttered a small thanks), "I shall them there is no meeting then, such a shame we where going to talk about the general opinion on you among your friends and the best way for you to reveal yourself."


"But if you don't want to"- "Alright, alright.", she smirked and started eating, "Is it just the wig thought?"

Your sister almost choked on her noodles. It took her a moment to calm down,"Nah, there's some makeup for your easily recognizable burn and some contact lenses."

"The things I do for them.", you groanned.

"Oh, shit.", your sister cursed all of a sudden.

"What?", you asked a bit worried.

"Forgot we had the food from yesterday.", she grimaced, "Meh, I'll have it for dinner."


And there you were,  getting your make up done by your sister, a tuesday around three in the afternoon, so you could go around your supposed friends without being recognized.

"Shouldn't it be done later?"

"Don't move.", ordered Asta while painting your burn mark with concealer.

"Oh my goodness, sorry.", you mocked.

"Stop.", she repeated," We have to know how long the makeup stays. Plus now we still have time to correct things."

She exhaled softly, stepped backwards to check the result, and continued with the upper part of the scar. It took ten long minutes to get it done, not that you didn't enjoy it. Next was trying on the wig, the contact lenses, and some of Asta's clothes.

Those were brown contact lenses. Added with the black, long straight hair and a pale blue dress, you felt pretty cute. It was, of course, a winter dress, with some leggings and a white jumper. There were some similarities with how you looked one hour ago (duh), but you were still pretty different. The expected reaction was to be stared at for a moment, then that person would deny it, and refuse to look at you, or talk about you, afterwards. Which was the best you could pull off right now.

After checking your appearance on the bathroom mirror, you gave a thumbs up to your sister who nodded in response.

"Say", you started out of nowhere," Are we going just to arrive with nothing? I mean, we could bring a small gift, a cake or something, muffins?"

"Andreas we're meeting at a coffee. Cake or muffins, seriously ?"

"Oh, well then sorry."

"I do have some insence, but it's just in case, it's a friendly meeting, it souldn't be a problem."

"Alrighty then. What are we going to do now?"

"Walk around, is there any special place you want to go to?", your sister answered stretching her arms to relax from the previous concentration.

"Musasi Shrine!", you automatically answered.

She looked at you in the eyes trying to remember where she had heard the name before.

"That one place"-"we stopped and asked a person for directions before the lunch meeting? Yes.", you cut off.

"Is there a risk we meet"-"some of the people we're trying to avoid? Definitely.", you interrupted again,"But remember what we're looking for.", you added showing off your dress.

"When you say 'definitely' ...."

"When I say definitely?", you asked after a moment of silence, waiting for the question to end.

"Well go on, cut me off and explain."

"Oh, well, that's here the Tokyo Manji gang does it's reunions. So if there is one, everyone is going to see us. But if there isn't, then we're safe."

"So it's like fifty-fifty.", she commented as she started to pack somethings up in a small bag.

You helped her by cleaning up the makeup objects you wouldn't bring on your outing,"It's not fifty-fifty. The odds are on our side, since they mostly do the reunions late in the afternoon. But the risks are high, like hella high."

"I'd never though I would hear you admit that.", joked Asta as she checked if there was anything to do in the house before leaving.

"It's because you've already decided we were going.", you sang following her to the garage.

The garage was on the other side of the house, at the opposite of the entrance, and had two doors leading to the street. The main one, for cars, and a smaller one, where only vehicles the size of a motorcyle or smaller could go through. It was unofficially called the secret exit.

Today you were taking the black motorcyle (there was another one, beige and expensive looking that would attract too much attention), not the bike. Although it hadn't been said out loud, you figured it was to escape faster, if something bad happened.

You got in front of her, even though she was the one driving. The two of you feared your would fly away if you were on the backseat.

Asta gave you a black helmet that you almost dropped, due to underestimating it's weight. It ended with her helping you put it on.

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