my goodness

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"There's a special corridor going to the onsen from the bathrooms. The doors have keys, of course, and it's a high class Hotel so the probability of someone breaking in through the bathroom is very low anyway. We also rented five other rooms , we can afford it don't worry, one of which is 620. This is so it's harder to find you.", he turned the keys inside the lock of the door number 620 but did not not open the door, "Just in case, you're aware that your so-called friends are not the bigger threat against you right?"

You nodded, for you kinda knew about what he was talking about, but just kinda. He insisted, "The real problems would be if a country decided they wanted you for themselves. We let you be friends with them, the only reason being we're certain they're not spies. A lot of secret services are wary of your existence, although they don't know much. Some of them even think the threat is your sister."

He paused, thinking about what what he had just said, "Look what I'm trying to say is that your friends are but a mere trifle, and I hope I'm not using that word wrong. You do whatever you want to do."

"Alright, just, before you open that door, why is Kisaki Tetta last, all of a sudden?"

"Oooh, that?", he chuckled," you'll ask your sister." that smartass answered without answering at all.

"Alright then, apart from that what's your name?", you faked casuality while pushing the door open, as a revenge for his useless opposite of an answer. The audible gasp made your smirk, and an offended '' Friedrich you brat!" kept your humor up even though Inui Seishu entered the room at the same time you did. Although your confidence did falter when you felt Friedrich closing the door leaving you alone with the one and only Inui Seishu. (fucking breathtaking piece of- angel! dammit he was perfect)

He had pale skin, blue eyes, shoulder length blond hair but you already knew all of that. What was knew, however, was the lack of a burn mark on his face. The plain T-shirt he was wearing allowed you to see a slight burn mark on the back of his arm. Honestly, seeing him in person was completely diferent.


His hand was still on the doorknob, his eyes were on you, open wide, observing you- goodness gracious he was about to cry. His body wasn't trembling, but it had lost it's initial composure. He would surely fall flat down with merely a push.

You tried not feeling sympathetic towards him, no scratch that, you were tring to make sure you weren't treating him too well, like he meant something he wasn't supposed too, like he was someone he wasn't.

It had been ten long seconds since your meeting had started, and none of you had moved from their respective doors. Which meant, you were inside the fricking toilets. The bathroom's open door was what had allowed the intense staring and extreme awkwardness. You moved to leave the bathroom and to break the silence. With a calm voice, you proposed sitting down around the little table the room had.

Inui let go of the doorknob, suddenly remembering how to breath. Out of nowhere he bowed down to you, "I- I wanted to thank you for everything you did. Thank you for saving me and my sister and for taking care of us."

He was rigid, a nintey-degrees bow that you immediately asked him to stop. You repeated the invitation to sit down with you, this time you took the lead and so he followed. Before he could continue thanking you for something that you didn't even remember doing, you announced that there was something he should know before saying anything else.

Were you going to explain your disappearance? Apologize for it? Claim that you couldn't be friends wih them anymore? Explain that you didn't want to go back to how it was? Say that you had reconnected with our family and didn't want to leave them? Or straight up say that since everything had been done, you had no reason to stay with them? Maybe reveal that you never really like them, that they were just a burden to you? Inui couldn't stop those thoughts from invading his mind and troubling his composure while you were attempting to find the right words to tell him that you had forgotten everything.

You inhaled, and dropped the bomb. "I have amnesia."

By how Inui's eyes widened and his eyebrows frowned, it was evident he was not expecting such thing but at the same time, he wasn't grasping how big the problem was, so you tried breaking down to him what your amnesia meant.

To structure your explanation you used the AEI format. (Structuring you revelation made you feel more objective about it, thus allowing you to stay calm about however it may affect your interlocutor )

Affirm: already done, that was the first sentence.

Explain: you pursued, "From 1993 to 2006, I do not have recollections about anything that ever happened in between, basically. It's all blank, as if I just wasn't there."

Illustrate: you used him as an example, "For instance, although I know your name and maybe silghtly about you who are, family and perhaps friends , but that's all. I don't know what you are thanking me for, nor if we knew each other or if we had friends in common."

Inui paled. He seemed calm for his was showing no reaction at all, but that was actually a bad thing.

The poor boy was now completely lost and distressed; did that mean you weren't friends anymore? what happened to you two's friendship? Was there any bond left between you and him? Had he just lost a friend? Was there any hope of you recovering your memories? Was it too late to apologize to you? would you still want to become their friends again? Espaecially after what you had to go through before?

And, you weren't going to deny it, you did feel bad for Inui, he was clearly hurt by the occuring events, but what could you to about it? You had said what you needed to say, what else could there be?

It was only as his face started showing regrets, that it occured to you that perhaps you should apologize. As the notebooks revealed, you had used them, and formed, it seemed, a frienship that you knew would not properly function nor last, to finish it all, you ended, killed, 'It', who was their friend.

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