Alive and kicking (but saving the kicking for later)

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"You fucking scared me to death", cried your sister while hugging you as tightly as she could, " you goddamn piece of- of crap!", and she went on asking you, rhetorically of course, if you knew how high your fever was last night, for goodness's sake she thought you were going to die! 

You started patting her back, slowly and in a circular motion, while she continued informing you over how Mother was aware of the incident and of your incident too, and that she managed to get here a bit earlier than expected. And she was coming with your uncle, and a bunch of other people because apparently it had become a problem of international importance.

You paused your soothing movement for a second and and asked for clarification over that last sentence, if that wasn't too much trouble.

Asta yawned, and told you that your past life was revealed inside your notebooks, right? You nodded. "And well, they got distributed to everyone you knew, right?", you nodded again.

"Well that means everyone knows about your past life, right?" Once again you nodded, although this time you noticed Asta observed your reaction carefully, but you were completely indifferent to it now.

"But your past life is also our future, and you've written about our future. The information Mother used to change the world. Do you see where I'm going?"

"Oh", you connected the dots,"It's bad that other people know the future. It could be misused by bad people."

Asta yawned again, "Not only those you knew but anyone who obtains the notebooks. What Mom is leading, to change the world, involves quite a few important countries, or more precisely their secret services (I think it's called) in english."

"Aye shit. So know what?"

"They're going to find everyone, take the notebooks back, maybe promise them something, tell them to keep the secret, and voilà. Meanwhile we're staying here.", she gestured around after letting go of you, making you automatically look at what she was gesturing.

It was then you were able to actually take a look of the room you two where in, you had assumed it was your bedroom but it was a completely different place. You looked back at Asta, to ask her where were you, but then you saw huge dark circles under her eyes, and you saw that she yawned once again, so you gently opened the hug while leaning down, forcing her to lay down.

She started dozing off not long after, five minutes after she was completely asleep (she let her guard down because you pretended to start sleeping too), but you were not feeling sleepy at all. 

You felt a little bad because you were tricking her, but she needed to sleep, and you weren't even planning on doing anything so technically, you did nothing wrong.

So yeah, looking at the room again, the color of the walls were similar to the one of your room, but a little bit paler, more pastel, more soothing. It was in fact, a traditional japanese room, or at least that was it's design.

Your sister sleeping over you made it impossible to move away, but did you even have the strenght to move away? No. 

And so after inspecting the elegant bedroom you were in, you found a book on the shelf next to your side of the bed.

But it wasn't just a book, it was the book that your sister left on the traingle table when you broke down. The one your suspected to be one of the notebooks. It had been opened, it was resting on it's opened pages, a crime for a book-lover, could you imagine if the book were to be damaged? Bookmarks existed for a reason for goodness's sake.

Extending your free right arm, you took it, and placed it on your lap. You were not in the best position to read, you were still lying down with your sister over you so you took the next five minutes to slowly, very slowly to sit up straight against the wall, you legs still being used as a pillow by your sister.

But sitting up straight was just an excuse to buy time to contemplate wether you should read the notebook or not.

Curiosity killed the cat, you told yourself, but statisfaction brought it back.

Wait no, that last part wasn't helping. But well, after all, what could it do to you? The few memories that appeared on you near death dream didn't mean much to you, it was more of a trailer. Interesting scenes that, maybe, made you want to discover the rest of the story, but apart form that? You could easily replace it with another one, leaving japan to see some famous actors (your family had money, so maybe....), or simply rewatching a series of movies particularly good along with your family and it'd be the best thing ever.

So yeah, this was going to be to satisfy your curiosity, but also with the objective of knowing what the characters (or people considering they were alive and human beings in this world) knew of you.

And so you turned the book to see it's front cover, and in big letters 'Shinichiro Sano 5' was written right in the middle.


You decided to chose a random page as to not get too much into the writing, and keep control of it (it was completely superstitious, but by not following the order, you'd kinda stay in control).

So the first sentence you read on the beginning of a random page on the middle of the book was 'I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I want to come back home I want to stop planning my life according to some characters of a manga I've read so long ago I want a family I want my family I want to stop thinking I want to die so much I hate myself I hate the fact that the only reason I'm still alive is that I've always believed that I needed to save I that it's the only purpose I've found for my second life I want to die and I want to live and I want to forget everything I fucking hate this.'

Oh well

No point, no commas, just a super long self-hating sentence. 

Followed by 'Everyone seems happy, theorically Emma should've died but she's doing great, she's still single though Draken is a coward, I should probably write it in the right notebook though, this one has become a diary. Also haven't seen or heard of a time capsule, maybe I should propose it. I'll wait and see how it goes.'


Well that was...



Thank goodness It  was resting now, you thought as you promised yourslef to take care, cherish and deeply love yourself, no matter what happened.

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