Didn't last long

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The ride was five minutes long, since Asta raced with the cab making you fear for your life, and you could swear she went through a red light.

Still, you two waited for Emma before entering the Shiba's house. She got out of the cab and Asta paid the driver before Emma could even protest about the idea.

Sano, knowing the place better than the two of you, rang the doorbell. Immediately the front door opened and Yuhuza got out to open the door. She was in her school uniform (well so was Emma), and when she opened the front door she informed the three of you that Hakkai had left a few minutes prior to your arrival, and that Taiju was leaving soon because his gang had a reunion.

The house was elegant, modern and big, just like you saw in your past life. The general atmosphere was comfy, thought, it really felt like a home which wasn't quite similar to the general feeling the Shiba house gave in your past life.

Yuhuza showed the way to the library, where the reunion was going to take place, then offered, if you wanted, a mini-tour of the house? Well, who the hell were you to refuse? You gladly accepted, please and thank you.

So you three, Asta, you and Yuhuza because Emma stayed inside the library, back to the living room, then saw the kitchen, the bathrooms, the bedrooms, the garden and the tour ended with going back to the library. You saw Taiju leave, and you and Asta waved at him right before entering, last thing you saw he greeted you back.

Everyone sat down on their knees around a round table that had a heating blanket kind of attached to it. Asta, was, as usual, next to you, Yuhuza on your other side and Emma in front Seating on a winter day, with the heating blanket over your legs was one of the little things that made you think that maybe life was worth it after all. 

There were teabags in front of you, along with hot water, sugar, honey, cups and a few pastries you couldn't really recognize. Like always Asta took the lead of the conversation, first remembering the objectives of the meeting, which were how your friends were feeling about you right now and what was the best way to announce you were back, then asked how did everyone that knew you reacted to your disapperance.

That question left Emma and Yuhuza deep in thought. Emma answered first, saying that since when you left, you had announced you were going to meet your family for a few weeks, at first nobody was really worried. It became more and more alarming as time went by, when weeks became months and you never replied your messages. Nobody could understand why you disappeared. After one year, Mikey received a messagesaying you were doing okay, but that was all.

You lowly nodded, then asked, "What reaction did that message cause?"

Yuhuza answered that question, "Before that message, some of us had assumed, or were doubting, that, maybe, you could be dead.", she answered carefully," So it brought a lot of relief. But at the same time, it didn't brought a lot of information, so everyone was still worried. And since we knew you were alive and doing well, we thought that you wanted to stay with your family, and be with us anymore. We had no idea you had lost your memory."

Emma agreed to it with a sad smile. Strangely enough you were feeling like if you were reading it, or looking at the situation. Yes, you were a bit sad they were feeling down, but it didn't touch you personally. You could probably get up, walk out of there and go on with your life without caring about it if you wanted. But you didn't want to, at least not right now, so you thought of what to ask next.

Suddenly you heard the front door open in a slam. A voice, extremely happy and quite young, excitedly called Yuhuza and Taiju to show them something.

Yuhuza froze for a second, before saying it was Hakkai, and told everyone not to move because she was going to check what he wanted.

But the footsteps were too fast and they immediately went to the library. "Yuhuza, are you there?", Hakkai asked with the biggest smile on his face, there were tears even, at the corners of his eyes.

"It's ____! He left notebooks for us! Everyone"- he started off with an enthusiasm that dropped as soon as he saw Emma, Asta, and then you.

"What?", he looked at you three, then at his sibling who was trying to avoid his gaze out of guilt, multiple times not finding words to ask about the current situation.

Your sister intervened; she stood up and bowed slightly to greet him. "Hello, you must be Shiba Hakkai, am I right?"

The blue haired boy, still taken aback, nodded. 

Yuhuza stood up as well, but let Asta speak,"Well then, as you can see, this", and she pointed at you, "is _____, or Andreas, whichever you prefer.", you greeted him with a nervous smile," I am his sister, Asta. I would like to clarify our presence here since you look confused."

Asta explained everything calmly, as if his interruption was but a mere detail, " You were not aware of Andreas's presence here, because I told anyone who knew not to tell a single soul about it. Now since you know, we'll let you in the secret. We were hoping to find a way to announce to everyone that Andreas was back, so we only informed a few of you to find it."

She turned towards Yuhuza, "I think you should go and talk. You can explain everything." The Shiba siblings thanked her, then retired with Hakkai to the living room

It amazed you how well did Asta control the situation and you wanted to tank her for it, but as soon as they left Emma's phone started vibrating like crazy, and she received a phone call.

"It's alright, go and take it.", answered Asta when Emma raised her apologetic eyes towards you two.

She mouthed a 'thanks' and quickly left to answer her phone that wouldn't stop ringing.

The room went silent .

"Well", you said after a couple of minutes,"it looks like it won't be for today."

"Maybe we're rushing things too much. I was honestly thinking we should do it with mom here.", agreed Asta looking unsure. For a moment you could see she was trying to prove she could take care of everything, and was extremely afraid of failing.

Emma then barged in the room, looking super confused, and hurriedly explained that some of the boys had found a box with notebooks from you, for everyone. The problem was that the captains of the Tokyo Manji gang were giving the notebooks to everyone, and so, the gang was moving around the city. The one who called was Shinichiro, he wanted to have the whole family together right now.

The Shiba siblings came in right after she finished. Taiju had arrived in the meantime, something about a problem leading the reunion to end early, and they needed some more time together to check the notebooks Hakkai had brought. But first Hakkai needed to give Akane, Seishu and Konokoi their own notebooks.

"Well it seems our meeting has to be rescheduled.", you smile you hoped in a reassuring way.

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