New day new you, literally

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You were on a yellow bicycle, pedaling fastly through a residential area full of houses, contrasting the rest of the city full of high buildings. It was a sunny day, and on the back of your bike there was a plastic bag surrounding a plastic box, the container's original must've been sushi, and certainly not the muffins it currently had inside.

Road after road, lamp post after lamp post, random cat after random cat, you were slowly getting closer to the objective, a house that happened to be a dojo as well. You slowed down two houses prior to the black railings surrounding the place you wanted to be. When finally you stopped, you were right on front of the gate leading inside. But you weren't going to enter, you were in fact waiting for someone. The door opened right this instant, confirming your thoughts. Shinichiro Sano, in his school uniform, pushed the gate to get out as fast as he could, but to his surprise, he found you.

You found it funny he was in a school uniform, how old was he? But then it led to the question, how old were you? You saw yourself in the memory, you couldn't have been older than seven. You were riding a mini bike, wait no, a trycicle now that you noticed, one adapted to your height. Perhaps you were five, you weren't sure, everything was quite foggy in this dream memory. 

Shinichiro's eyes widened, his mouth opened, but you spoke before he could.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you and your friends for speaking with me last week, and humm, I made muffins!", you half-shouted out of stress, while handing him the plastic bag with the promised pastries.

You left immediately, the plan wasn't to befriend him, rather to observe him and his situation also to have him with you and not against.

Mid-way to your house you remembered Shinichiro wasn't exactly good at english, and it was Wakasa who helped him understand most of it. 

But well, you had left a message with the food, and there was no way to undo it. What mattered was that you knew, with a possible five minute marge of error, at what moment Shinichiro left his house to join his friends during the week. Slowly you were gathering every piece of information you could, for if you wanted to control everything, you had to know everything.


Once again you were pedaling towards some destination, muffins on the back of the bike, this time quite more than in the previous dream memory. However now you are aware of your terminus; Musasi Shrine. You accelerated upon seeing various gang members dressed in black uniforms leaving the zone, slaloming between the people and decelerating in front of the stairs, finally  pushing with your feet the bike's support stand. 

"Hey!", you yelled to Toman's captains, vice-captains, vice-president and president,"I made some muffins today, does anybody want some?"

You laughed at the shouts of joy welcoming you to the reunion they were having,


but everything blurred to change to another moment. There was no bike on sight, it was raining, and the scenery seemed to be a back alley. There's someone on your side, well not exactly on your side. You walked up to that figure, you recognized Shinichiro, handing him an umbrella a you walked past him.

You were in fact walking up to  another person. Long white hair, purple crying eyes, he was shouting because he had met his mother who had told him he had no blood connection to the Sano family. 

You went up to him and punched him in the face. You grabbed his collar, since he didn't defend himself after the punch, and asked what the fuck was this nonsense. 

Once again it blurred, everything becoming more and more foggy, until the opposite process happened the surroundings changed. And you were  punching someone, fighting against various guys at the same time. It seemed you were protecting someone in fact, protecting him from the crowd so he can focus on beating the shit outta the person in front of him. The person being an ex-'friend'. 

Kazutora, conflicted over your presence, asked you what you were doing here. You briefly explained while throwing punches that since you were a part of toman and toman was your friend, it was only right (you had to pause there because someone sneak attacked on you and you had to beat him up while telling him to fuck off in german) for you to help him, right?

Kazutora went and attacked other people since he was done with Junpeke, and explained that he left the gang and that he was able to handle everything on his own.

"Then let's just say I'm helping you out 'cause you're my friend."

"Are you really helping him for that kind of bullshit?", commented a random opponent, getting progressively scared of you two.

You chose him as your next punching bag, going up to him while cursing him, his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, whole family and even his cow for the audacity he had to make this comment, of course after finishing with the bastard you told Kazutora he was your friend because you decided so and point. 


And suddenly sitting on a bridge construction, it was night, you wanted to sleep but you were observing a fight, a short one. You had noted down the direction as soon as you recognized it, and as soon as you heard rumors about the Kawata twins wanting to fight the Haitani, you regularly went there at night. And tonight was your lucky night, because you were able to see Ran defeat Smiley in no time, from a place they couldn't see.


The dream memories became shorter and shorter, for a second you were with Mitsuya, Pah-chin and Peh-yan at the sewing club of their school,


and then a moment later you were running away from Mikey because you dyed his hair neon orange

just to find yourself joking with the Haitani saying that yeah sure, how about a gang with you two and hanma and I'm the leader, and Ran responded yes with a serious face


and all of a sudden you were in a cram school with Kisaki, you were friends with him and Tachibana, and so was your sister.


You woke up gasping for more air, clutching the sheets in your bed. The orange sun was getting closer and closer to horizon, there was a cup of hot and strong coffee on the nightstand next to you.

Next thing you knew your sister threw herself over you to give a hug.

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