a kabedon would have worked better than what Ran actually did

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Ran held the door open with his hand, entering the bathroom as you stepped back. With your back against the door you extended your left arm searching for the doorknob. Easily predicting your movements, and deeply irritated by them, Ran grabbed you -with his left hand- by the front of your collar and forcefully held you against the bathroom door. 

His hold was strong; your feet were dangling in the air while you were hoping to get some support from the closed door. There was an ongoing heated but indistinct conversation going on between Inui, Rindou and Hanma a few steps away. The whole scene hadn't caused much noise, which meant Inui, you nearest ally, was unaware of the situation.

Ran's appearance was unkempt. You knew had been neat and clean yesterday, but from then he probably had had little to no time to straighten things up except for changing clothes.  His hair was roughly keeping the form of two braids, with some loose strands here and there. He was not in his uniform, but in 'civilian' attire; beige sweat shirt and black pants. Unaware of what the right thing to say was, you decided it was best to let him know that, before he had any chance to speak, that you very much liked having your feet on the ground.

"No can do, sorry.", he answered, half-joking.

You also thought mioprtant to add that, usualy but also in the particular case, violence was not the answer. 

"Because leaving suddenly and not saying anything for two years is?", he sarcastically responded, controlling himself as to not let emotions take over him.

You opened your mouth to defend yourself, but then remembered this piece of shit kicked your sister, and while you owed him some kind of explanation, you deemed him currently unworthy of the whole truth. "I remember nothing, and that's all you get as an explanation. You kicked my sister and you're not getting anything else out of me until she forgives you." and to reinforce your point you turned your head away from him. 

"What do you mean you remember nothing?", he asked to obtain elaboration, but you remained unyielding.  Rather, you were searching for a way to escape; the only useful thing you could reach was the doorknob, however your back being against the door, you'd fall backwards like when Hanma kicked you.

Lost in his thoughts, Ran's grip tightened as he remembered yesterday's event- your sister's discovery, getting their hopes up, your sister's disappearance and Shinichiro's vague excuse of her escaping suddenly- and while he wanted to yell at you, this was not the time nor the place to do it. 

Now, the fact that he appeared angry was of help for you, because if he was pleading it would be way much harder to hold your ground. Thankfully he was unaware of that, rather remembered you as a pretty stubborn person for the things you cared, so he resigned himself to having to apologize first.

"Where is your sister then ?", he asked, playing along with you, although his patience was running thin. But the plan inside your head was already forming; fall back through the door and close it right after.

You vaguely answered his question, obviously not wanting Ran to go anywhere near your sister until she was awake, "Ah well, she's kinda busy right now... How about you set me down and I'll tell you when she is free ?" and if you were fast enough, you thought, you'd have a chance to escape and get back inside.

Bu -guessing your intentions- he did not comply and instead, gave up on getting the answers directly, "You refuse to speak with me, but you can speak with Rindou, right ?", he asked, although it was more of a rhetorical question; he was not wrong and you'd never admit it.

Your hand that had been blindly and slowly searching for the doorknob, frantically scanned the area and grabbed it as soon as your skin came in contact with the metal. It caught Ran's attention, so you used the instance to kick him in the chest. He lost his grip on your collar but only stumbled a few steps back, eyes widened. 

For an instant you were in the awkward position of pushing against both Ran and the door to stay in the air. You only needed to open the door, and quickly before your legs gave up pushing the man's body away. Your turned the knob but the door stayed shut. Your heart dropped - shit it turned the other way- you lost the momentum and dropped down ungracefully on the floor. It all happened in less than a second, and your hand was still on the doorknob. 

Ran, calmly, crouched down to be on your level,"Why are you doing this?", he asked as he pulled your left arm away from the door. "Why are you doing this?" was all he got for answer, did not answer either, rather remained unfazed, now wearing a cold smile on his face, one you should be wary of.

He let go of your arm, instead grabbed your torso and thew you over his shoulder. "Wait-what?" You tried to protest, but he was already turning around to leave the bathroom. Before it was too late, you launched yourself on the doorknob again, because there was no closer thing you could hold on to.

He let out a 'tch' at your persistance, simply kept advancing while holding your body over his shoulder and the doorknob slipped from your hands. At last resort you held on to the door frame of the entrance towards the onsen path. A voice called Ran's last name from a few meters away, he stood still; "Yeah?"

"Change of plans", the voice that seemed like Hanma's stated as it got closer, "...Oh? What's that~?" you then heard, almost being able to guess a smile -Hanma's smiles were not necessarily a good thing- behind those words.

Out of nowhere, the door you had desperately tried to escape through flung wide open and Inui appeared, saw you, assessed the situation and seized your arms. Ran stumbled backwards as Inui pulled you towards him. You knew it wouldn't help much, but you reciprocated Inui's gesture and held on to his arms, hoping it would create a lock har to get out from (Ran was really strong).

The blonde boy glared at the older Haitani and told him to let go. Haitani glared back as he reafirmed his grip, "Andreas is unwell, he needs to rest!" Seishu insisted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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