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There was a small bush line right before the trees started, and that's where you hid, crouching down and looking at the shrine. 

First noticeable thing was your sister hanging from one of the tree's branches. She was holding herself from both arms, you were facing her back, and she looked stable, as if she could stay there for fifteen more minutes without effort. Around her, however, was far more interesting. On the ground, sitting down and waiting for something to occur, Izana, Mikey, Rindou and Shinichiro. On the tree, sitting not far away from were your sister was holding, Ran, also waiting for something. Everyone pretty much looked just like you expected for 2008, every single one of them was slim but well built, except for Shinichiro who didn't look that strong. The only remarkable change was Izana's hair being longer than expected, to the point he had it in a ponytail.

The scene, silent until your arrival, seemed to come to life as soon as your message arrived. You risked raising your head a little higher, and viewed you sister letting go on one hand to see the her phone, previously safe in her pocket. "Scheiss", she cursed upon seeing your message, then yelled "Motherfuck"- when Ran hit her hand with his baton, making her let go of the phone, but not lose her balance.  Your blood froze when Rindou stood up and caught it, then saw your message announcing you were here.

You held your breath, he examined the sentence saying; "I've just arrived, I'll hide behind you, tell me your situation.". But the Haitani frowned slightly, looked up to your sister, and said "It's in german."

You almost let out a sigh of relief, but god forbid you made any sound for you'd be caught right away. Izana stood up too and and looked over the phone screen, only to be disappointed. Neither Mikey, nor Shinichiro moved, the first one going back to read a book he was holding, and the second one simply watching everything, as if he had given up on it already.

Izana raised his head to look at your sister right in the eyes and demanded to know what it meant. Asta scoffed, and requested to be given her phone back instead.

"You do realize you're not leaving until we get to know where is ____ ?", reminded Rindou, still holding the phone. 

"Or at least get his number", proposed Shinichiro,"We need to speak with him.", in a helpless attempt to calm things down.

"Need?", questioned Asta with a condescending ton, " You do not need, you merely want. Who are you to need to speak with my brother?" 

Ohhh, you almost applauded, Asta was going full attack mode.

"We're his friends!", shouted Mikey immediately standing up, so fast it was evident he wasn't sure of the answer himself. 

Asta knew she was close to winning, and so she pursued, "Oh, my.", she let herself go and landed on her feet, "Were you, really?". She was most probably smirking at the same time, from what you could see the tension was rising dangerously.

It was a double hit, questioning the relationship, and placing it in the past.

Ran jumped down from the tree to land next to your sister, " We could ask you the same question,", he affirmed giving Asta a death glare, " Who are you do call yourself his family? You and your mother left him here when he was ten years old. And suddenly you come back two years ago and take him away claiming you're family? You were never there for him."

The fight was fucking intense and it was most certainly going to end badly. Your brain was rushing to find a solution that would appease everyone.

Your sister leaned slightly towards Ran, and spoke in a low voice, "Oh, but I was. I was there when it mattered. Unlike you. See, he was the one there for you. ", she paused for a moment to deliver the last blow, "Not the other way round."

Everything happened so fast at this point. Mikey gritted his teeth, but the one even more furious was Izana who yelled her to shut up while throwing a punch to her face. Neither Ran nor Rindou stopped the attack, however Shinichiro managed to grab Asta's collar in time and to make her fall before she was hit. 

Shinichiro stood between Asta and the rest of the group, and prohibited any kind of violence towards your sister. But the dammage was already done. It was clear now that Asta wasn't going to reveal anything willingly, and that she was considering everyone in the shrine as an enemy. On your side, seeing the attack felt like a cold shower; the people in front of you had lost the 'character' aura, which made you predisposed to love and forgive them. The feeling of unreality around disappeared the moment they attacked what was real to you.

The plan that popped up inside your head no longer searched for a happy ending for everyone on both long and short term. It just searched the way to end all of this faster. You crouched down and turned down the volume on your phone.

Your fingers tapped a message, then sent it immediately to your sister. You held your breath for one entire second, then two, then three... Until you heard the ding coming from your sister's phone right when she was demanding it back.

Rindou checked from one eye, but then looked again, and frowned. He announced it was from you, and it was in english. Your sister paled, everyone's attention was caught, Ran asked to read it out loud.

Rindou did as he told, "Why are you taking so much time?".

You sighed in relief, the plan was starting perfectly. You kept on tapping, and listening Rindou read the messages out loud at the same time.

"I've been waiting for like 20 minutes.", you texted.

"Oi, answer", you waited for something to happen, but the group froze to listen.

"The shop owner is giving me weird glances.", you slowly exhaled hoping to let out some stress. Now that their attention was caught, it was time to mislead them.

"Did you forgot where I was?", you had to act like if everything was okay.

"Did you get lost?", you added, but in german, because you feared that too much english would make them rightfully think it was a trap.

"I'm staying inside the shop five more minutes", this last sentence provoked some whispers about how you were inside a shop. It surprised you it wasn't deduced at the first implication, but oh well, you were fricking glad they were falling so easily. 

"Then I'll search for you.", you wrote, posing as an annoyed and clearly impatient brother.

"Cause you can't find your way apparently", you mocked so it would be more realistic.

"I mean how dumb can you be? I'm three squares away from where you are.", it was with this message that your sister ceased to stand still. What you had wrote confused , and scared, her in the beginning, but after remembering your first message, she had understood. And so she tried playing along, ordering for her phone to be given to her.

"Like only six", Once again, she insisted for her phone, but was menaced by Ran to either shut up or get her legs broken, but then got protected again by Shinichiro who told him to stop.

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