Oh noooo

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"Tell me what's happening!", you insisted angrily on the phone, "Is it related to Hakkai?"

Your sister groanned in annoyance then answered whispering, "No it's not. Why would it be?"

"Maybe he couldn't hide it from Mitsuya?", you tried to guess, "He's not the one to call him to spill out everything, but he can't lie and maybe he acted strange and Mitsuya kept asking questions and discovered everything.  We could've kept the secret, I was disguised so why did you tell him the whole thing?"

"Obviously because it's better if he's inside the secret than if he goes around telling everyone the scene. The Mitsuya you mentioned could've having doubts if he heard that there was someone looking like you, but not exactly, going around. Plus, your ex-group of friends won't be able to be mad at us for hiding in the beginning if we involve some of them."

"Alright, I guess it makes sense.", you admitted, "Still doesn't explain why you're hiding.", you put the phone between you ear and your shoulder to free your hands.

"Some of your friends are here, and I'm hiding because I'm your fucking twin, that's why. "

"Yeah but you could still go around, right? We're still a bit different. The boobs for example.", you argued while carefully and slowly taking out the brown contact lenses.

Asta held her breath for a moment, "Whisper for god's sake! If you make too much noise I'm done for. And yes, we're not the exact same, and they'd let it go if we were together but not if I'm alone. The whole 'looking at me, get disappointed, looking at you, get disappointed again, then become frustrated and never talk about it again' doesn't work if you're not there. And those, the ones near me, are the ones who are already suspicious of you. If they catch they won't let it go until they get answers."

So your sister wasn't able to come back right now. You wished you could help, this terrain was completely unfamiliar for her, and you utterly disliked not being able to do something. you clicked your tongue then demanded more information about the situation.

The fact that she disliked relying on others was noticeable on her voice," Well they don't know I'm here, but they're sitting in front, if I leave they'll see me. They saw the motorcycle, but they don't think much of it. They're reading what I believe are the notebooks you left for them, I see a lot frowning by the way, I don't know what you wrote but they ain't happy about it. Anyway, they're the ones we saw earlier at the Café, the Haitani if I'm not wrong, the two of them.  We're at the park, and I'm hiding on that suspicious looking tree you were talking about. And guess what? From the branch I am, I can see a suspicious mini mountain that might be what you were looking for."

The scene was a bit more clear now, you tried to convince yourself, the problem could be solved, everything was going to be okay. After all, the Haitani couldn't stay there forever; they were going to leave, then the problem disappearing with them. 

Your sister kept on speaking, she always did that when nervous, "The thing is I thought they weren't there, I thought the shrine was empty. So I was like, why not check that weird tree real fast, maybe find something, so there'd be something to talk about while waiting for another reunion."

You hummed listening to her,"Well there's nothing else to do but wait."

"I guess... Are you alright on your own?"

You scoffed, "Of course I am, I'm not that stupid. You're talking like if I was capable of putting myself in a situation where I have to hide in a tree from people that don't even know I'm there."

"Oh well fuck you.", she whispered back.

"Fuck you too", you laughed, "So bye then?"

"No", she ordered, "Don't hang up. I don't want the phone to ring if I receive a message or a call. That would give me away."

"Then just.... lower the volume?...", you deadpanned.

On the other side of the line, your sister gritted her teeth. "Shut up and don't hang up, okay?", she muttered,"I don't want to feel alone."

You smirked, but said nothing else then 'alright'. On another subject, you added that you were going to change into your pajamas because the temperature was going to drop soon and you sure as hell weren't staying with a dress on, no matter how comfy the leggings were.

And so, after leaving the jumper on the living room, you went upstairs, changed in your room while leaving the phone on your bed and went back downstairs to put on the jumper.

You then asked your sister a report on her condition, but the situation didn't change.

"Really, nothing?", you asked again as you filled yourself a glass of water.

"They're still there. You left like three books for both of them. I'm scared of looking at them, what if they feel my presence and- oh shit", she suddenly cursed, a faint sound of motorcycle on the background.

You immediately stiffened,"What is it?"

"There's a third guy who just came in.", complained Asta, trying to see said individual through the branches, "Fuck. He's coming towards me, slowly but still. He knows the tree. There's two other motorcycles coming. Andreas, I'm done for ...", she panicked.

You inhaled, before taking over the situation, "Alright, listen to me carefully. Calm the fuck down. First cover your face, and your skin the most you can. Now either go up the tree or try getting to another one"- But your sister cut you off, "I'm calm, I'll be okay, stay where you are, I'm cutting off the comunication."

And she hung up before you could even protest a bit. You angrily threw your phone to the couch of the living room, it was childish, you knew, but the Cat was pissed off, you were pissed off, and everything was frustrating all of a sudden. You decided you weren't going to stay where you were. Why was it like that? Why problems all of a sudden when everything was going smoothly? 

You hurriedly grabbed your keys, your wallet, put on your outside shoes and opened both doors leading to the street. You were three squares away from a place you could get a taxi, so you ran as fast as you possibly could. Sadly, in the condition you were, it wasn't much.

But you didn't care, once there you it took you a couple of minutes to get a cab. You almost jumped in the vehicle, gave the driver the direction and ask him to do it fast, please. Old you, or the Cat since that's what you had decided to call it, was having pacing around your mind nervously and you couldn't figure the reason why, because the only thing you knew was that It's worries weren't about your sister.

You prepared the payment in advance, noticing at the same time after scanning your purse that you didn't have enough for a second ride. Once the taxi stopped, you paid the driver, thanked him and jumped off the vehicle in less than ten seconds. And that's when reality hit you. Facing the shrine, you realized there was no way you could just walk in there, not if there was people who could recognize you. You had the wig and the makeup, but without the contact lenses and the dress it meant nothing. Heck you were in your pajamas. But since thinking wasn't going to lead you now anywhere, you ran to the side of shrine to enter by the trees. You specifically chose the side where you hoped your sister was, the side where there was the weird tree.

But there wasn't a lot to hide behind, once you'd enter you'd be found, so you stayed outside the place. Not knowing what to do, you sent your sister a message saying you were there, and tried to listen to what was happening inside.

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