wasn't it supposed to be nice and light-hearted

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So maybe, just maybe, you could say sorry, or apologize, since the present situation was the direct result of your actions.

You needed not to gather strentgh for it, it was really simple although you weren't sure as to why you were telling yourself this. Why were you telling yourself that it wasn't hard to do it? Anyway, you offered him an apology.

"I'm sorry for how things turned out"- "No!", he interrupted, almost shouting, as you were going to ask him wether you could do anything for him right now.

Dumbfounded, you repeated what he said,"No?"

"No, you're not to blame, please don't say this.", he explained, "It's okay, it's just that's it's a lot to take in but it's not your fault. It can't be, there's no reason for it to be.", he insisted, clearly trying to convince you.

His sudden worry about your apology had taken you aback, you could only mutter an 'alright' , for now the destabilized one was you, while he seemed to have found something to hold on, and you were wondering what was it.

Having regained his composure, he took the initiative to pursue the discussion; "I understand you remember only until 1993 and from 2006 onwards, so nothing in between. So like, do you remember anything before 1990?", he asked.

You furrowed your eyebrows; he was asking you about your past life, wasn't he?

"... I do... But how much do you know about that?", you asked, unsure if you could mention it directly.

"I've learned of your past life.", he paused and only continued once he saw your face relax, "through the notebooks you left. "

But it was all a lie because you weren't relaxed at all; you just knew that if you looked relaxed he would spill more information.

"You did not manipulate us, and you saved my sister from death.", he said, his blue eyes locked on you to make sure you would listen to his words,"You maintained your relationship with us afterwards, and took care of us. What you realized is extraordinary.", he insisted once again, "You have nothing to apologize for, instead, I would like to thank you again for all the things you've done.", and he bowed again.

Flustered, you asked him to get back up, accepted his words then thanked him for it. Even so you weren't sure how to tell him that those words shouldn't be meant for you, who remembered nothing. At the same time, he really wanted to thank you, so, maybe, it wouldn't hurt to give in once, right? Just so he could let it go, for you were really starting to get embarrased at all the sweet importance you were given, although it felt like a reward you weren't worthy of.

His face turned more serious for his following statement, "I am aware you may dislike having to be with us, and might want to live with no burdens and build your own life.", his eyebrows were sightly furrowed and his face stoic, "That you want be free to do what you need and want to do, but I just would like to tell you that if you ever need help, we'll always be there to support you."

The intention was kind but the beginning worried you, and honestly this was getting too serious and even a bit cringy (he was so serious it felt exaggerated, you couldn't have possibly meant that much), "That's really kind of you, but I assure you I do not dislike you at all. I mean, from one side I have lost my memory and so I don't quite have an opinion on almost any of you yet, but even then, I am confident in saying that you weren't the problem. You knew nothing and, if my guess is right we had a good relationship? I created myself that burden, please don't think you're a problem. Currently I am recovering and getting better, reconstructing my life. I do not hold any kind of negative feelings towards any of you from before. So I assure you I'll gladly take upon your offer if I ever need to."

Your statement relieved Inui; his expression softened, his shoulder slightly dropped. Now that he had been reassured about your feelings, you hoped he would start small talk, but that would be underestimating Inui.

"Do you really think this is just a world part of a story?", he asked, not looking at you in the eyes anymore, but you could see his hands on his knees, and they weren't clutched.

You didn't expect this question, but you had tought about it, so you answered truthfully after a deep breath, "This world is real and I can't deny it, even if it brought me comfort to think it was all false. Our worlds may be connected, I'm not sure. However I believe now in multiverse, because I can't deny pain, taste, strongs feelings, hunger or just smell. When you dream there's no smell."

Now the conversation was too philosophical, and Inui wanted to ask other types of questions. But apparently this one was hard to formulate, he seemed embarrassed. How cute, his tilted head was hiding his face behind his hair.

"So like, you had these pre-made ideas of us, but you ignored them when you met us. Now, do you still admir- have the same view that you had in your past life about us, or like, we're not the same and you feel different?", since his ideas on what he wanted to know became clearer as he spoke, he added another inquiry, "And what do you think of us know?"

You squinted your eyes. He was being very cute right now, hiding 'Do you still admire us like you did in your past life?' behind complicated words.

"So from the encounters I've had, I can tell you that I'm not disappointed, on the contrary.", except for Ran who was on thin fucking ice and Izana who was on thicker ice, but still ice, " It's a lot to see you as actual people, and even if you're different and yourself, I'm still amazed or impressed.", you confessed, slightly embarrassed but since Inui was the one blushing you had the high ground.

Still not able to loot at you in the eyes, Inui muttered that he thought you were amazing too, just like he did at some point, when he was much younger, younger tan ten years old perhaps, and  sitting on an hospital bed, the burn mark on his arm still quite recent. Clutching the hospital's bedsheets and blushing, he switched subjects adding that his sister was doing better.

"Shit.", you let out, realizing that right now was a freaking memory, which clearly wasn't supposed to happen, and what the fuck was even almost dying for, if it didn't even work?!

Sadly Inui misinterpreted the swear, you could tell when he finally decided to look at you right in the eyes, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide open. "No wait", you hurriedly said, "It was not because of you, I just- just remembered something and it was unexpected."

"Your memories are coming back?", asked Inui with hope, his face relaxing.

"Yes!", you panicked,"but that's a bad thing actually! It's not supposed to happen!", you tried explaining, but it only made Inui lose the little smile he had on.

You died inside, and tried to explain again, "I didn't mean it like this, It's more complicated than it looks, see, I got depressed and the memories went with the depression, okay?", you waited for him to nod before continuing, "So if the memories are coming back, the depression is too! And I made sure they weren't coming back or so I thought, but I realize now it's now working.", you got to the point wondered if you had overshared, "That is why I cursed. It was in no way directed to you, I swear."

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