Normal day

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"Mmmh, nice but the toast first.", said Asta going to the kitchen and bringing back a tray with three toasts, butter, eggs, mermelade and honey.

"Alright", you stretched yourself before examinating carefully the tray.

You wanted something not too heavy but that you wanted to eat. Egg was a no, you had no idea what the mermelade was made of, the honey was not a taste refreshing enough (you had no idea how to explain but the taste would be heavy) and the butter would compliment a bit too much the bread. You didn't feel like tasting the bread.

Butter and honey above would be a little bit heavy but it was the best option. "Oi", said Asta posing a walkman next to you,"did his highness finished upon deciding what would enter his delicate mouth?"

"Shut up."

"Try this shit.", she ordered pointing at the mermelade,"It's not mermelade."

"It's not?", you raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Not mermelade. I'm on my fourth toast with this shit on it. It's addictive.", stated Asta as she took a piece of bread, opened the pot of not mermelade and applied the red substance over her toast.

"Didn't you finish eating.", you asked following her example.



"Your mom is suspicious."

You took a bit of the not mermelade covered toast, "She is?"

"Sometimes. But she's also involved in international secret shit so it's not really surprising."


Damn your sister was right, it was addictive. Before realizing it you had finished the toast and decided to take another half, of course not reacting at the smug grin Asta was giving you.

"Anyways what are the plans for today?"

"No plans"


"Well you're going to study, and I'm going to visit and prepare the house, contact your friends about possible new meetings, and also try to figure more about the dynamics of your life in here, but we're not going out, nor meeting anyone if that's your question."

"Are we going to stay trapped in this house forever?", you groaned laying back again on the window's deliciously comfortable seat.

"Didn't you had experience on that field. 2020 or something."

"Ughh, online classes.", you grimaced, "Covid, pandemy and confinement, yeah I do, doesn't mean I would like to do it again."

"Boy do I have some news for you."


"Well guess you slow brained sloth."

"Wha- Oh shit. We're in, hum, 2000 and something."

"2008", corrected the annoying parasite.

"Same thing. I have to live through everything again."


You tch-ed and sighed, "Alright, what do I have to study?"

"Why would I know? I'm not your manager."

"How heartless of you,", you stood up from you seat picked up the now-empty tray and walked to the kitchen, "if it's this way I'm treated in this household, I have no reason to stay."

"And never come back!", yelled Asta from the living room.

You unloaded the tray and put everything where it belonged (except for the tray since you have no idea where to put it and for the not mermelade that you placed in the fridge, just in case.)

After that you went to your room and changed clothes. Since you weren't leaving te house you just put something comfortable and you made a messy bun with your hair just to joke with yourself a bit, you quickly changed it to a ponytail, though, one that still covered the ears considering it was a cold day.

The luxurious house you were staying in had a room that was considered you workplace. In here you were just studying (Slowly that is, after all, you were still sick) in order to be able to continue what you had planned once you'd be declared able to.

And so today, according to the planning attached on the wall you had english, german and japanese review. It was your request to become better in those three languages. You also had History. For this one you had a professor.

To practice those languages you had no professor. Today was a learn-by-yourself day and you just were going to read books in german, english and japanses considering your advanced skills. 

Other days you would connect with groups that discussed the actuality in those languages, one hour per day.

You once proposed using Duolingo but you discovered it didn't exist yet, (your mother thought it was a wonderful creation and commented she couldn't wait to invest on it and try learning french with it).

It was only by mid-day you remembered the cassette. Now, you had History in less than fifteen minutes, so you preferred leave it for later, like a treat for studying.

It wasn't that History was boring, your professor was an old woman who was very good at catching everyone's (there were like twenty students on this course) attention, but consiering things that way permitted you to focus more on the class.Today's subjet was the Irish famine.---------------------------Upon finishing the class, you rushed down the stairs, entered the living room, grabbed the cassette and put it inside the walkman.

You inhaled an exhaled slowly five times before playing the song you apparently loved.

As soon as the first notes reached your ears, the name appeared in your mind.'Stay with me' by Miki Matsubara. Goodness how could you have forgotten this gem.

Five minutes after, the song was on repeat and your sister found you dancing to it (even filmed you for a couple of seconds but she denied it strongly).

Seeing that you weren't alone you stopped the song and went to leave it on your room. While you went up the stairs, Asta yelled that if you wanted soup or what.

You yelled back, what was 'or what' supposed to mean.

"Huuuh.... Instant noodles?", she answered from the kitchen.

You paused for a second. "And what is the soup made of?", you asked putting the walkman on your desk.

"Instant noodles."

"Well I think I'll have instant noodles.", you half-smiled as you went down the stairs

"Ok, great choice.", your sister replied waiting for the water destined for the noodles to heat.

"Your praises touch my heart.", you thanked with a condescending tone.

"What heart?", she joked. You scoffed, "Anyways, what time is it?"

"The time for me to tell you we're meeting your friends again tomorrow."

You froze, "What?"" Also it must be like one thirty?"

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