Preparing the kicking

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You stayed still for at least one entire minute in fear of your sister discovering your disappearance from the bed, but your sister showed no signe of waking up,  and instead started hugging the cushion.

Oh well

That meant you were free! 

You silently stood up and as previously decided you went to the bathroom, looking for water, because there was no kitchen in the room.

You entered the room, expecting (deeply hoping) for it to be western style, however you found the sink and the round bathtub and three small doors.  One was on the wall and probably led to some other room, werehas the other two led to an extension of the bathroom, dividing the room in three. All of them had something written on them, the one in the wall led to the onsen, the public hot baths, and the first door upon entering from the bedroom was for the western style toilet (a high-tech version), the second was for the traditional toilet (simply put, the one where you had to squat).

You appeased your thirst with two full glasses of water, used the western style toilet because you had no strentgh to squat, and returned to the bedroom, looking for something to do.

After ten good minutes of appreciating the room's simple beauty, you started judging your sister's sleeping position like a good sibling would do, when an idea crossed your mind.

 Your sister was there, defenseless and ridiculously positioned (the blanked covered half of her body and was used as a cushion at the same time, one leg was perpendicular to the torso, and parallel to the opposite arm, all while hugging with one arm the cushion and having a bended leg with the knee pointing to the ceiling), and her phone was next to the notebook.

What were you supposed to do? Using her phone was a favor you were doing to her, but your kindness stopped there and you were going to send it to yourself. You took the photo, in a way where you could see the contrast between the organized and gorgeous room, and whatever your sister was doing on the bed. You went to the messages to end it to yourself, trying to avoid looking at anything else since it was her private life, but you couldn't help reading what mom (Frau mutter in the contacts) had sent.

She was asking how things were going, and annoucing that your uncle was coming to your hotel along with some people; he'll explain it when he'll arrive, so trust me. Also the notebook's retrieving was in progress and on her side everything was being taken care of, what about Andreas, how was he?

Upon reading it, you did not think twice about it, there was no need; you sent the photography to your mother instead, texting after that all was good, you were up and Asta was resting. You had completely erased the old you and you were doing fine right now. You pondered over what else to say 

You told her you were bored, and asked if you could use the onsen, because you needed an adult's point of view on that, who knew, maybe she could agree. But well, that was just you hoping and deep down you knew you just asked her that to keep talking because you were bored.

Obviously her answer was no. Actually it was 'You do realize you just got out of a fever? You're not even getting near the onsen with your current condition young man. You need to eat and rest, no more. If you're hungry dinner is between 7 and 9.', but well. 

'Alright.', you texted back 'No food restrictions?'

'Wait for your uncle. He should be there soon. I'm calling in 8 minutes.'

'Ok', you wrote, then, putting the phone back down. You waited for 8 minutes, realizing that one of the sliding doors was a sliding door leading to a small garden, with a path made of rocks, with grass, a tree, and a little pond, with maybe a few koi fish inside, you weren't sure. After all, the pond continued under the fence of the small garden. You were wondering to what was it connected to, and thinking that maybe to other small gardens and hotel rooms like the one you were in, when the phone rang, indicating that eight minutes had passed.

You went back to the center of the room, picked up the mobile, answered only to be greeted by a curse, that you pretended not to hear. 

'Hi?', you asked, (with the intonation that meant 'what was that?'), so your mother explained that your uncle was there, that you needed to put on some lothes and go to the living room. Also, was Asta awake? No? Fine, leave the cellphone next to her and don't end the call. You have ten minutes to change.

Once again, you weren't left with much information, but since it was a problem you created, and they weren't asking much of you, you played along. You scanned the room and found clothes on the nightstand, or under it to be precise, and decided to put on jeans, a white turtleneck shirt and a comfy sweater on top, that probably belonged to your sister, but what was hers was yours and what was yours was hers (it's just that she didn't know it yet).

Once finished, you went to the door, opened it, saw a hallway identical on both sides, and cae back wanting to ask your mother which way was the living room, but then, you stopped, because you thought that she wouldn't be able to know. So you just told her that you were leaving fot the living room. She said okay and love you. you started walking to the right with a smile on your face. Thankfuuly for your weak body, you found elevators soon enough.

It made you frown though, there was a garden in the room, so why an elevator? It was only inside that the idea of the hotel being on the side of a moutain could be the reason why.

You had pressed the button for the first floor, and it took you to the first floor, but not to the living room, because the first floor was the hotel's entrance.

You went to the receptionist, kindly greeting her and asking wether she knew where the living room was? Because you had gotten a little lost.

Of course, she said, there are two, one was right here (you checked but there was nobody you could call uncle, just a few middle aged japanese women) and on more in the back, near the mountain path and on the third floor. Would you like for someone to lead you?, she asked, and you accepted while apologizing for the trouble. She said it was alright, and called for a coworker, who went towards the elevators as the first step to the second living room.

It could've gone really well (because afterwards you found your uncle in the second living room waiting for you) if it wasn't for you seeing, while the elevator's door closed, Ran, Rindou and Hanma entering the Hotel, looking tired as if from a long ride.

Rindou saw you, your eyes met, you looked away. The door closed and the elevator started to ascend. You restrained yourself from cursing in front of the nice  and polite hotel staff. 

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