*fancy synonym of Lunch*

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For a few seconds nobody reacted. 

Asta wheezed, then Taiju spoke. "So that's the reason the notebook was passed on with such care later on? I remember Hakkai looking embarrassed when he handed us the carnet."

Yuhuza's face light up. "That's the reason"

"The notebook was passed around all of us without you knowing so that we could all know what you said during your fights." revealed the Shiba sister to you, before adding the reason of her amusement, "When we got it, Hakkai was extremely nervous about it. He took extra care of the notebook saying it was the least he could do after injuring you during the translation process. But he was too embarrassed to tell us the whole story I guess", she chuckled.

Taiju nodded with what looked like the beginning of a smile, honey this disturbed so much. You clearly weren't used to soft Taiju.

"Really? He didn't fall on -on Andreas-san though. He was just behind Mit-his friend, who did fall on him."

Your ears perked up bit. It was definitely who Mitsuya fell on you. Apparently they think you don't remember anyone, therefore didn't mention them, to avoid getting you confused over the names.

 It was logical to assume that, but they would soon enough realize you actually knew them, at least by their name and appearance, which led to a problem.

How it would be possible to tell them that without being strange? That was a problem for later.

But now you had to act confused about who Hakkai was. Thankfully your sister was quick to catch on things and asked for you, "Who's Hakkai-san?"

Or maybe she had simply forgotten the fifty slides presentation you made to introduce the characters to your family.

"Oh.", Yuhuza remembered you two had supposedly no idea of who they were talking about," My bad, I should have explained sooner. Hakkai is our little brother. "

Now you had to act as if this was brand new information, "So you have a little brother", you hesitantly started, "and, hu..."

 "Do you have any more siblings?" asked Asta saving you once again.

"Or is it just the three of you?", you finished.

"No, apart from us there is only Hakkai. And you? Do you have another sibling?", asked Yuhuza in return.

"No.", you responded," It's just Asta and me."

Emma picked up her -metallic- chopsticks to finish the noodles with fried shrimps she ordered.  Taiju and Yuhuza were almost done.

Fearing the silence would make things awkward you tried to carry on the conversation and attempted asking Emma if she was a only child (smart way to get intel about Mikey, Shinichiro and Izana, you praised yourself), but Taiju was quicker.

"You cut your hair.", he stated with a look that could've been misunderstood as menacing if it wasn't for you knowing it meant he was curious," Do you not like it long?"

The question sure took you aback. Your hair was cut for the operation of the car accident that made you lose your current's life memory. You immediately turned to your sister to ask if you could tell about it, to which she nodded. 

The approval was needed for she was the one who had told your supposed ex-friends about your condition, but because she didn't reveal everything (and your ex-friends knew they weren't told everything), you had to verify what you could say.

"Currently my hair is short because it was cut off for the car accident's operation. There was too much hair, so yeah, it bothered the operation ...", as you expected, the atmosphere went down. The looks almost felt mournful, I mean you were still alive, weren't you? 

"But I do like my hair.", you admitted, "It's extremely fluffy and smooth. I don't know how I will cut it, so for now I'll just let it grow."

You successfully eased the ambience. You took a bit of the dish to make it seem like you had eaten more.

"Did you know there was a time your hear reached your waist?", asked Yuhuza.

You had your mouth full so you could only widen your eyes in disbelief.

Emma who also had food in her mouth furiously nodded as she tried to eat faster to be able to answer, " It was! It even went as long as your arm, hand not included."

She grinned, "But you shortened it not long after because you said it was too heavy and it bothered you while cooking."

"Talking about cooking!", quasi-shouted your sister at Emma after remembering the muffin incident," You said before he used to make muffins, right?"

"Yes? He would almost always have some with him."

"But how did he made them, as in what quantity?", precised Asta.

"Well,", Yuhuza frowned trying to remember," usually the muffins were made in batches of 24."

"Really?" hummed your sister, hiding her smirk with one hand.

"Yes, why?", asked Emma as she put her chopsticks over her empty bowl of noodles.

"Because I've got a story you'll have to explain because I'm pretty sure you'll understand more than we do."

She took a the final sip of her juice before recalling the muffin incident.

"So around on year ago, on August thirty I think it was, I'm not sure. Anyway, that I wake up unusually early. My whole body is protesting, but there a smell coming from the kitchen, that make me want to go there."

You saw all three people around you nod slowly as if if was an evident thing. You had no idea how to take this. Did that mean they really loved your muffins? Would be a good thing to bring some for them next time.  

"And let me tell you our house is pretty big, and the odor was exceptionally good and strong. So I decide to follow the smell. Obviously I end up in the kitchen. But what was surprising was that the kitchen was clean. Completely clean, shining even" 

Yuhuza hummed accordingly. Apparently it wasn't surprising for her that it was clean.

You looked down on your plate, occasionally stealing glances of their reactions.

"Behind the plates, ten muffins. Behind the glasses, eight muffins. Behind and inside the cups, twenty muffins. On the cereal bags 6 muffins. 4 inside the bowls. Inside the stove? 24 muffins. Inside the fridge ? Another 24. 50 in a box scotched under the table. 40 above the fridge. Four under each of the six chairs."

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