First meeting?

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He gave the menus, and asked about the drinks for you and your sister. Asta chose strawberry juice, and you water since you couldn't drink anything but that.

Except if you took your stomach by surprise. It occurred, but since you were in a restaurant the surprise effect had no chance of working.

The waiter gave you five minutes to pick a plate. When showing you the menu, Asta gave you the dangerous I-dare-you-to-say-no smile while pointing at a small fried pork dish.

There was no choice for you but to reluctantly agree. Apart from small interactions between the Shiba siblings about sharing a dish for various people, most of the talking was done after the waiter left.

Again, your sister took the initiative.

"So as you all may know, Andreas has lost his memory.", she then introduced a theme of conversation," So how about telling how you first met? And we can tell about what he remembers."

"And the dumbest things he did .", she muttered.

"I heard you.", you snapped.

You heard a giggle from Emma's side, it made you unconsciously straighten your back on your sit. Yuhuza was smiling and Taiju seemed to be more relaxed.

"Then I'll start.", said Emma raising her hand.

She smiled, you felt your heart stop.

"I do not remember the exact circumstances, but I know we met when I entered the Sano household. I remember you comforting me around that age. That would be the first time I tried your muffins,", she smiled nostalgically, " When we-I was little you would regularly come in and spend time with us. You were like an older brother or even a mom for everyone."

You let out a small 'wow'. Dang this delivered lots of information at the same time.

1- You knew the Sano before Emma's arrival.

2- They consider you as someone close (insecurity is yelling no but fuck her)

3- The muffin incident can be explained.

4- Dang your sister is definitely telling them the muffin incident later.

5- Everyone definitely meant more of the Sano family. YAS

Anyway it was time for Taiju to speak.

He opened his mouth but waited a few seconds to speak.

"You dared me into a fight, and you lost. The following weeks you also came to fight. You won the twentieth one."


You raised your eyebrows, and pointed at yourself.

"He used to fight?", but it was your sister that spoke. Even admitting it was what you were going to say it didn't mean it didn't offend you a little tiny bit.

"Of course he did!", protested Yuhuza at both of your reactions, "You were strong after all. And you never gave up on a fight."

At the end of her sentence the server arrived with the water and the strawberry juice, and you decided to take off your mask.

"... Shiba-san?", you nervously bit your lip because your inner teenager was yelling 'CRIIINGE' and anxiety was screeching 'WE AIN'T DOING NO DISRESPECT' and honestly the teenager was winning, but anyway.

" I.. Did I really used to fight like that? I mean- I'm not saying you're lying or anything it's just that it sounds really... ideal? I really can't see myself doing such things."

"It does sound perfect when saying like that.", agreed Emma, "At first you would throwing punches all around in a fight.", she used her hands to mimic your past-self, "Then there would be some point where you would stop, to breathe or because you had fallen down. And then there was a change. Seeing you, it felt like you became determined, or really angry."

It was cute how happy she was to explain," And you would throw yourself in the battle, yelling things in german. At that point you would most definitely win. You waited for the opponent to black out or to admit defeat. In the first case you would bring him to the hospital, in the second only if the injuries were serious."

You nodded slowly all throughout the explanation. At the end your sister came back on one point she found particularly interesting.

"He used to yell in german ?", she sipped her fruit juice giving the 'go on' look.

"A lot. It was always the same words though, but in different order. Sometimes there would be knew things. One time we were so curious about what you said that we started writing a notebook about it. You never answered our questions about it. You always changed the subect or looked away.", said Yuhuza half smiling at you.

"There was one sentence you said a lot during our firsts fights. I asked later about it's meaning, you said it was for grown-ups.", Taiju continued, while he spoke you realized you had grown used to their presence, it didn't stressed you anymore, "It really impressed me at the time the anger in your eyes when you would yell it."

You wanted to pursue the conversation so you let curiosity take over you," Do you perhaps remember that sentence?"

"Only the beginning. I think it was 'Gottver' I've forgotten the rest."

You narrowed your eyes.

Yuhuza's face brightened,"Oh I know that one! It's 'Gottverdammt', right?"

Taiju agreed, and Emma said she actually heard you say it before.

Meanwhile you ... were hiding yourself behind your hands, wishing they could just switch subject.



God dammit

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