Chapter 2: Take me home please

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Vienna's POV

Giving him my best puppy eyes, I somehow ignored his intense gaze, following my mother to the kitchen to help her as she insisted on preparing lunch for us even after I told her that it was not needed.

"Where are Alex and Sophia?" I asked while biting on an apple...well I know I'm not being much help but I'm just hungry.

"Well...Sophia and her boyfriend..." She replied only to be interrupted by me.

"Sophia has a boyfriend?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah she does. His name is Benjamin" She replied as I just nodded my head.

Sometimes it surprises me that how little I know about what's going on in my own family.

I guess I have just been too engrossed in my own drama lately, I thought with a sigh.

"So Ben's family was going on a vacation and he invited Sophia too...but I didn't want her to go alone with him since we have not known him for too long, so I said that 'if you wanna go then you have to take Alex along with you' and having no choice she reluctantly agreed to take him along" She added with a slight chuckle.

"Mom. I think you should give her some space" I said shaking my head.

"I gave my elder daughter all the space she needed...allowed her to even go out of the town and study further...and now she rarely comes back to see us" She replied in a taunting tone as I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"It's not like I never missed you guys...but initially I was busy with my studies and then..." I tried to explain myself only to be interrupted by her.

"Then with Ryan and then with your unofficial breakup with Ryan...then patch up with Ryan and now I don't know what's coming up next" She said as I sighed placing the half eaten apple aside.

"Mom. Just relax what do you want me to do now? Yeah sure, he left me. Yeah sure, he made a mistake. Yeah I was hurt...I was heartbroken...but what do you expect me to do about it now?..." I paused.

"Strangle him to death?" I added almost yelling at her.

I was done with all the taunts and accusations.

"People make mistakes all the damn time, mom...but that doesn't means that we leave them alone for the rest of their lives, even after knowing how much they regret making that mistake..." I paused.

"That's just not how life works" I continued.

"We do not forget that they have wronged us...but we forgive them for their mistakes and wrong decisions...because we love them" I added.

"And that's exactly what I did..." I trailed off as I was on the verge of tears.

"I forgave him, mom. Because that's how much I love him...and I know one thing for sure that even if he makes the same mistake again...I'll forgive him again..." I paused yet again.

"But I'm also sure about one thing that I'll never have to see that day where I have to forgive him once again...because he won't ever make the same mistake again...he won't ever leave me" I continued as tears rolled down my eyes.

"And even if the world is against him and thinks that he's the bad guy and leaves him all alone...I won't...I won't ever leave him...I'll stand with him...I'll be there for him...with him...until my very last breath" I said as my mother gave me yet another surprised look before taking a deep breath.

"The last time you were here, Sophia asked you if you found his whereabouts and you said no...and I tried to console you by saying that 'Ryan was a really nice guy but now that he's gone, you should probably move on because you deserve to be happy too'..." She paused and I frowned, trying to figure out what she was trying to get at.

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