Chapter 36: A parting gift

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Vienna's POV

"You're pregnant, Vienna" She added softly.

Have you ever felt like you have been dead? Like you have been living your life like a living and breathing corpse? Like there was no reason for you to still be alive? That you were better off dead?

But then suddenly, one day, like a ray of hope, exactly as Samantha said earlier, like a ray of sunlight at the end of the tunnel, like a sliver of hear the news that changes everything...that changes your life forever, that brings you back to life, that ignites the life within you once again.

That makes you want to live...that makes you crave for life instead of death...that pulls you out of your misery...out of your sufferings...that breaks the walls that you have surrounded your broken, fragile heart with...that gives you a reason to live once again.

That's exactly how I felt when Samantha informed me that I was pregnant...that I was carrying mine and Ryan's baby in my womb...Ryan's baby...his flesh and blood.

I just stared at Samantha blankly for the next minute or so, not able to digest what I have just heard as she looked back at me in anticipation of my reaction.

A few seconds later I cupped my face as I broke down into tears...but this time my eyes weren't mourning my dead husband...this time they weren't shedding tears over the fact that I lost my Ryan...this time I wasn't crying over my miserable fate but rather this time my eyes were shedding tears of pure and utter happiness.

This time my eyes weren't crying because Ryan broke his promise of forever...this time my eyes weren't crying because I no longer had him in my life but rather this time they were crying because I still had a part of him with me...within me...his flesh and blood...his child.

"Vienna..." I heard Samantha calling out for me softly before placing her hand on my shoulder, which made me look up at her.

"Sam..." I mumbled.

"I'm pregnant..." I whispered in disbelief.

"Yes. You are" She replied nodding her head with her eyes moist.

"Oh my God! I'm going to be a mother" I squealed happily.

"Yeah and I'm going to be an aunt" She said with a slight chuckle.

"Sam...your brother..." I trailed off as my eyes brimmed with tears just thinking about him.

"Ryan..." I mumbled.

"I still have a part of him with me" I added, almost as if talking to myself before resting a hand on my lower abdomen.

"He is still alive, Sam, in the form of his child..." I paused.

"He is still with us, Sam, he is still with us" I continued.

"Yeah. I know. I know he is" Samantha agreed while nodding her head slightly.

"But Vienna, what you did last night was..." She said only to be interrupted by me.

"Yes, I know, Sam. You may think that it was wrong...but for once, just think about it from my point of view" I said.

"I get it, Vienna, but from now on, you'll never do anything so stupid and you'll take care of yourself and my niece or nephew" Samantha replied as I couldn't help but smile.

It feels like I haven't smiled since decades.

"Of course, aunt Sam..." I said playfully.

"Do you think I even need to be told to take care of myself? Now that I know that I'm pregnant" I added.

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