Chapter 32: Stay with me...

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Vienna's POV

My hands trembled as I watched Ryan's blood on my hand.

Ryan's blood. Oh...oh my god! No! No. No.

This can't be happening. This can't be real.

Vienna please wake up! Please fucking wake up!

And as much as I urged myself to wake up, but I didn't, because this wasn't some dream, it was reality but my heart and mind was not ready to believe it at any cost.

My mind was completely blank as I watched Ryan lying on the road, his head resting on my lap and though his eyes were still open, his breathing was heavy as if he was struggling to breathe and that's what snapped me out of the shock.

"Ryan..." I whispered, my voice cracking.

"Baby. Please stay with me..." I trailed off while gently wiping off some sweat from his forehead.

"Love..." He tried speaking as I placed my finger on his lips, interrupting him.

"No. No, don't talk, just stay with me...I'll not let anything happen to you" I said placing a kiss on his forehead before looking up to call David for some help and it was only then that I realized that David, Michael and Den, all three of them were shooting at a black SUV, with tinted windows.

How did I not hear the gunshots earlier?

And it was only now that I saw the black SUV. It was obvious that Ryan was shot by the person sitting in there.

But there was no time left to waste on revenge, Ryan needed treatment as soon as possible.

"David. Michael..." I yelled so they could hear me over the loud gunshots but alas they didn't so I tried to get Ryan in the car by myself but I couldn't move him even by an inch, if felt as if suddenly his body weighted double as he has most probably let his body loose.

"Alright. Baby, just try and keep your eyes open. Okay?" I said softly before wiping my tears off as they were not letting me see him clearly.

"Den...David..." I yelled once again and this time they did hear me and came rushing towards us and seeing that as an opportunity, whoever was in that SUV, took a sharp and quick u-turn and drove away and noticing that Den, who was running towards us, stopped and ran after the car, trying to make a shot at it's tires.

"David, please help me get him in the car, he needs to be treated as soon as possible" I pleaded as David just stood frozen on his spot and suddenly his eyes welled up with tears while Michael was on a phone call snapping at someone to send an ambulance right away.

"David..." I snapped at him. I know that Ryan is even more than a brother to him and it must be really difficult for him to watch Ryan in this state but it's not the right time to let our emotions take over our sensible self.

"There's no time left. I need your help" I yelled at him, mad that he wasn't making any move. This time he did snap out of his trance and bend down while Den rushed back to us and even Michael helped getting Ryan in the car.

"Are you sure you want to take him in the car? The ambulance is on it's way and those people can start treating Mr. Knight right away on the way to the hospital" Michael suggested.

"No. We cannot wait for the ambulance. We need to get him to the hospital right now" I replied in a haste before getting in the back seat as Den got into the driver's seat while David sat beside him and we drove away.

"It'll be fine" I mumbled holding his head against my chest while continuously stroking his hair.

"Trust me. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine" I said softly placing a kiss on his forehead while Den drove as fast as he could.

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