Chapter 20: A day to go

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Vienna's POV

"I missed you, love" He added resting his chin on my shoulder, his warm breath fanning my neck.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Are you mad because I'm late?" He added turning me around this time.

"I promise it won't happen again" He said with a smile and for a moment there I forgot that I was mad at him about the whole Jason thing and couldn't help but smile back at him as my anger melted away under his warm gaze.

"Nothing is wrong...I just missed you" I replied and that was true, he left early in the morning and I feel like I'm seeing him after such a long time, even though it was just a day.

"Go take a shower, I'll heat up dinner for you" I added.

"Wanna join me?" He asked playfully. 

"No, Mr. Knight, not until we get married now" I replied. 

"What's wrong with having a shower together?" He said in disbelief. 

"Everything" I replied shortly before pushing him away lightly. 

"Yeah as if we haven't done that before" I heard him mutter under his breath as he walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Later that night after dinner, as we were lying on the bed with my head resting on his chest and his arm wrapped around me, I decided that it was time that we spoke about what he did to Jason, because obviously I couldn't just let it go.

"Ryan..." I called out as he just hummed in reply which made me doubt if he was awake or asleep already. 

"Ryan..." I called out once again, sitting up this time.

"Yes, love" He replied looking at me confused.

"I'm listening" He added.

"And what's wrong with you? You seem tense for some reason" He asked, casually running his fingers up and down my arm.

"I have been thinking that maybe..." I paused thinking if this was really the right way to bring this topic up or would it just drive him mad again.

"I was thinking about inviting a friend of mine to our wedding" I continued as he just chuckled.

"Then go on, invite your friend. You don't need to ask me for it" He replied. 

"But who is this friend anyways? Because as far as I know, you don't know anybody here, in Russia" He added, curiously. 

"His name is Jason..." I trailed off as it didn't even take a second for his facial expression to change from a relaxed and soft one to a very cold one.

"You might remember him" I continued, glaring at him.

"Vienna..." He began only to trail off, closed his eyes for a moment with a heavy sigh before getting off the bed harshly.

"Are you purposely trying to enrage me?" He asked in disbelief.

Well...I didn't actually want to invite Jason to our wedding, I just said that to trigger him because I'm really, really mad at him for trying to kill my friend. 

"You know very well...I hate him...I even hate his fucking name and you want to invite him to our goddamm wedding" He added.

"Yes, I do" I replied folding my hands.

"You gotta be kidding me" He muttered running a hand through his hair.

"Do you wanna get him killed by me on our own wedding day? Is that what you want?" He asked and I gulped nervously as I didn't think he would be this mad just by the mention of Jason's name.

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