Chapter 29: As long as I'm alive

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Vienna's POV

"Where are you going?" I asked looking from David to Ryan with a frown on my face.

"You didn't tell her yet?" David asked, his question directed towards Ryan.

"No. Was just about to do that when you interrupted us" Ryan replied.

"And I'm pretty sure you weren't doing that" David said.

"Alright stop it you two" I said shaking my head.

"Ryan. What's all of this about? Where are you going?" I asked impatiently.

"Love, I need to leave for Novosibirsk tonight" Ryan replied.

"Why?" I asked with a long face suddenly.

"Work, sweetheart..." He paused before gently tucking a hair strand behind my ear.

"It's a business trip" He continued.

"Business trip? As in some Mafia related stuff?" I asked, unknowingly biting my lower lip, feeling anxious about him leaving suddenly as he just chuckled at my question.

"No, love. It's purely a business trip" He replied.

"Yes, Vienna, it is actually a really boring business trip consisting of some really boring, never ending meetings with some old hags" David said.

"And don't you worry, I'll make sure he remains the loyal husband that he is" He added playfully.

"That's not what I'm worried about" I said in a rather low voice while slightly shaking my head before glancing at Ryan who seemed to notice the sudden tension in my body.

"Alright then, Ryan I'll see you tonight" David said after a moment of silence and left us alone after saying goodbye to me.

"Come on, love, cheer up now..." Ryan said before pulling me flush against his chest once again.

"You are acting as if I'm never gonna return from this trip" He continued oh so casually and I felt like my heartbeat stopped for a moment right there and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Ryan..." I let out a breathy whisper.

"Don't you ever say that again" I continued before resting my head on his chest and circling my arms around him in a tight embrace taking him by surprise as he wrapped his protective arms around me.

"Hey..." He mumbled while rubbing my back gently.

"I was just joking" He added.

"What's up with you? Love" He asked.

"Nothing, just promise me that you won't ever say such stupid things ever again or else I promise you that I'll never speak with you again" I replied.

"Alright, I promise I'll never mess around with you like that" He said in an amused tone.

"Feeling better now?" He asked as I just hummed in response.

"I just don't get it, what has gotten you so worried suddenly about this trip? I mean I can even feel your heart pounding against your chest" He said after a moment of silence between us as I just chose to remain silent to his words because honestly I didn't know the answer myself.

Maybe it's just the fact that ever since we actually got back together, I have never been away from him, even for a single day or night. Or maybe it's just his lifestyle that has me worried even on the tiniest things.

"Alright would you feel about going along with me?" Ryan asked a moment later.

"I would feel like I'm being a clingy wife" I replied still resting my head on his chest.

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