Chapter 9: A night of craziness!

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Ryan's POV

"I can't believe can I be so damn ignorant to just leave Scar there...all alone..." I said to myself while pacing around impatiently.

"Ryan. It's no one's's just a night of craziness" Charlotte replied with a slight shrug.

"David's number is unreachable and so is yours" I said still trying to call David.

"That must be him..." Charlotte said getting off the couch as we both heard the loud noise of a motorbike.

I looked through the curtains and sighed in relief, it was actually David along with Scarlett on the back seat.

"There she is" Charlotte mumbled as David and Scarlett walked in.

"Scar..." She squealed running towards Scarlett and taking her into a bear hug.

"I was so so so worried for you" She added.

"Well, feels good to know that you love me so much" Scarlett replied chuckling.

"David. I have been calling you since ages. Where's your phone?" I asked.

"Oh the battery must have died or something" He replied glancing at Charlotte for a second.

"He came down just a few minutes after you left and I had no option but to tell him what happened" Charlotte said hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. You left it on me to bring Scar home safely...but I failed you" David said with a sigh.

"Are you kidding me? It was just a huge misunderstanding. You didn't even know she was waiting for you and all are the one who brought her home safely..." I paused.

"So thank you" I continued with my hand on his shoulder.

"No need, man. Your sister, my sister" He replied with a smile as I just nodded and walked towards Scarlett.

"Scar. Sweetheart. Are you okay?" I asked hugging her.

"Yeah. I'm good. A creepy guy did follow me but your friend managed to scar him off" She replied in a rather low voice.

"Do you remember his face?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"Oh no, Ryan. No. I know what you are trying to do. Just let it go. I'm sure you have plenty on your plate already" She replied.

"I'm really tired. I should probably go and get some rest" She added a moment later.

"Yeah sure" I replied with a small smile.

She did look exhausted.

"What's up with your hair?" Charlotte asked pointing out Scarlett's messy hair as they both walked towards the guest room.

"Nothing. Just bike rides!" Scarlett replied, her voice fading away.

"She doesn't look fine. Her natural bubbly nature is missing" I said almost to myself.

"Give her some time. She'll be fine" David replied.

"Are we still going?" He asked a moment later.

"Of course we are. I even declined a really great offer from my wife for this" I replied.

"Your soon-to-be wife" He corrected.

"Yeah. Whatever. Same thing. Now come on let's go" I said as we walked out.

"I'm gonna ask this one last time. Why did you go after my girl?" I asked calmly, looking at the guy, chained to a chair.

Why did they even chain him? It's not like he can run away or something. Moreover he looks too malnourished to try and pull off a stunt like that.

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