Chapter 18: A gold digger

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Vienna's POV

The next morning Scarlett left for Paris and by the evening when Andrei, the man that Ryan asked David to assign to keep an eye on Scarlett, reported back to Ryan with the happenings of the day, well...Ryan was fuming red as he was informed that Scarlett didn't just take any flight to Paris...she fled to Paris by her friend's, who invited her, private jet.

Oh well, I'm all for freedom and all, but yet we can't change or ignore the fact that she is still a young kid, she's just seventeen, she should have at least informed us of her traveling plans and her traveling companions.

And what got Ryan even more worried and mad was the fact that we didn't even know her friend's name, but since Ryan is...well Ryan, it was a piece of cake for him to find out who that friend of hers is.

His name was Ivan and turned out he was a couple of years older than Scarlett, thankfully he came from a well reputed family and had no criminal record or anything like that, along with this information we also recieved a few pictures of this guy and fortunately he didn't look like a druggie, which did manage to keep Ryan's mind a little sane but yet he was still worried about her and he will remain so until she comes back home safely.

And I do get it...she is his little sister after all.

And that fortunately and unfortunately reminds me about my own siblings...fortunately because I do have siblings and I have spend some really good times with them...and unfortunately because I no longer get to see them...and I don't even know if they'll be there on the biggest day of my life or not, I think it's safe to say that while finding love...while trying to be with the love of my life, I lost my family.

But I still have Ryan...and his family...which is now mine too and I don't think there's anything more I could have ever asked for.

And I'm happy.

"Come in" I said snapping out of my thoughts when I heard the soft knock on the room's door.

"Mrs. Knight, there's someone downstairs who would like to see you" Mila, one of the house helps, said.

"Who is it?" I asked confused.

"I don't know, ma'am. I did ask for their name but they refuse to tell me" She replied as I frowned.

Who could it possibly be? I don't even know anybody here, in Russia, except for Ryan and his family.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs in a minute" I said before she left nodding her head.

Should I really go see who it is? Or should I call Ryan first?

But I don't want to disturb him while he must be busy with his work.

And if somebody has managed to get through the main gates without any hassle, surely they must be somebody whom we know and obviously not someone who wishes us any harm.

So I guess, I'll just have to go and see for myself, who it is, thinking so I made my way downstairs.

It would be a great lie if I said that I wasn't nervous...because honestly, I was...even my palms were sweaty for some unknown reason...what if it's someone who hates Ryan and is here to harm us or something?

But then again if it was one of his enemies, then of course they wouldn't have been able to get inside the premises in the first place.

Yeah so stop overthinking, my subconscious said rolling her eyes at my silly, nervous thoughts.

"Hello. Anybody here?" I said calling out for my unknown and unexpected guests, as I walked towards the main door, which was open, but they were no where to be found.

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