Chapter 40: Psychotic revenge

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Vienna's POV

"Ethan Knight..." I mumbled.

"Yes, EK...Ethan Knight, my father" He replied before grabbing the bullets from my hand and placing them into a small pouch, safely.

"Are those the bullets that..." I trailed off, not knowing how to put the sentence together.

"Yeah, these are the bullets that pierced my father's heart and killed him" He said, understanding what I was trying to ask.

"I asked the doctors to remove them and hand them to me" He added as if it was the most casual thing to do. I just stared at him, blankly, for a moment.

"Why have you still kept those bullets? Ryan" I asked softly but deep down I somehow knew why he has kept those bullets with himself till date, as if it was some precious possession.

"Don't you get it?" He asked, with genuine curiosity.

"This is a reminder, Vienna" He said a moment later and I knew how serious this was for him when he uttered my name, which he rarely ever does.

"These bullets that have my father's initials engraved on them, are a reminder that how brutally he was murdered..." He paused before getting off the bed and walking upto the wide open window.

"That I need to avenge his death" He continued.

"I have kept these bullets with me so that I never forget why I stepped into his position" He added.

"But David told me that you stepped into his position to save Sam's live and also her relation with Landon" I said.

"Yeah that was initially the reason but when I got a taste of the power that comes with this position, I realized that only this kinda power can help me take revenge for my father's death" He replied while staring down at the pouch of bullets for a moment before placing it into his pocket.

"Ryan..." I called out, walking upto him. I stood in front of him and just stared at him for a moment, analyzing in my head if whatever I was just about to say would have any affect on him or not.

"Revenge never gets us anywhere, baby" I continued, cupping his face as he chuckled dryly before taking my hands off his face.

"And I think that's absolute bullshit, Vienna" He said and the look that he had on his face right now, was the one that I have never seen before, not when we were together in high school, neither in college, nor after getting back with him and not even after getting married to him.

His eyes were cold, but yet I could sense that they also held the pain of his father's death in them...I could still see the young boy in them who lost his father...who longed for his father.

On one hand, where the coldness in his eyes scared me, it also told me that, no matter what I tell him, he wasn't gonna stop at any cost, and that thought alone had my heart beating faster as I feared for his life. Whoever this was that was after him, was dangerous and I don't want Ryan to go after him, I don't want him to risk his life for some psychotic revenge.

"Revenge will bring me peace, love...peace and the satisfaction that I killed each and every one who was involved in my father's murder..." He paused, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Who fucking dare to kill my father and thought they could get away with it" He continued earning yet another blank stare from me.

"Ryan, baby, please listen to me for once and..." I said a moment later, softly and cautiously, knowing that how sensitive this topic was for him, I just didn't want to the say wrong word or thing that would hurt him.

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