Chapter 57: My volcano

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Vienna's POV

My eyes filled up with tears as the memories of the past few days flooded and washed over the epitome of happiness that I was feeling not even a minute ago and I broke down into sobs.

It's almost funny how the topic of our conversation and my mood swinged even faster than light.

"Yeah...about that..." He gave me a hesitant smile.

"Hey! Shush. Let me explain" He tried wrapping an arm around me once again but I slapped it away.

"Don't touch me!" I cried out.

"You've been nothing but an ass to me these past few days...ever since you got to know that I've been hiding my pregnancy from you" I added through my tears.

"An ass?" He laughed, amused, gaining a cold glare from me.

"Love, please stop crying...I hate seeing you cry" He said, softly, reaching out and rubbing my back gently and this time I chose not to jerk his hand away.

"Well then breaking news for you, that's all I've been doing since the morning you walked out on me saying that you're letting me go, rubbing it in my face that this baby is all that you want now" I replied and guilt flashed through his eyes.

"Love, please, it's not good for your health" He probbed up on one of his elbows, lying on his side, in front of me.

"Hey. Stop crying now..." He tried holding my hand, only to have it slapped away.

"So now you care about me? Huh? After putting me through shit these past few days?" I questioned.

"Love..." He tilted his head before grabbing my ankle and gently pulling both my legs down, so he could see my face properly as I was sitting, holding my knees against my chest.

"There wasn't a second in my life after I met you, when I didn't care about you...when I didn't love you..." He paused.

"Trust me"

"Then why would you act so horribly with me?" I sniffled as finally my sobs subsided.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and treating you lately..." He held my foot before placing a kiss on my toe, his actions ending up tickling me, which made me try and wiggle my leg out of his grip but he held it in place.

"I would do anything for you to forgive me for that, anything...I would even go down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, the normal way and also the way that's your favorite, if you want, but please forgive me, my love" He continued.

"It's not about if I forgive you or not, Ryan, because you and I both know that eventually I would forgive for anything and everything..." I trailed off.

"But it's about why you'd even do something like that to me? When you claim to love me so much" I added, pulling the sheets over, to cover myself, feeling cold.

"This morning when David stopped by our place, we spoke about this and even he said that this isn't anything like you..." I paused.

"I told him that how you claimed to have taken a stand in front of my mother just because you didn't want to be separated from your child and it was then that David pointed out and brought it to my notice that you never once mentioned anything about our baby when you said all those things to my mother" I continued.

"And that was when I recalled the entire conversation and realised that he was right, you never once mentioned our baby in the entire talked about me and only me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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