Chapter 49: Lost without him

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Vienna's POV

After crying for what felt like hours, I decided to freshen up as my stomach grumbled with hunger, so after taking a quick shower, I headed downstairs to get something to eat even though I didn't feel like having anything and just felt like staying up in my room for forever if that was even possible, but I knew I had to get proper nutrition into my body, if not for myself then at least for the life growing inside of me.

As I walked into the kitchen, delicious aroma filled my nostrils, making me feel even more starved.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Knight, I already prepared everything for breakfast, but you can tell me if you have any specific preference, I'll prepare that as well" Martha said as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"No, thank you, Martha. I'll just have whatever you've prepared" I replied forcing a small smile on my face.

Martha was in her early fifties, she used to work for Grace until a few days ago, well, until Ryan returned. He thought it would be wise to give all of the house helps that we have had earlier a long break, since he didn't want too many people knowing that he was alive.

So ever since he has returned back from the 'dead', he asked me to give all of the house helps a long break and he also asked David to ask Martha to start working for us instead, as she has been working for his family for years now and it seems like he can trust her with the news that he's alive.

And well, I don't know what reason David must have given Grace, for why he was asking Martha to work for me now.

"Alright then, Vienna, if this is what you want..."

"I'm letting you go, love..."

"I won't follow you around like some love sick puppy, begging for your forgiveness"

"But this baby is what binds us together now..."

"So whether you like it or not, I'll be around for my baby as I don't want him or her growing up without a father"

I pushed the plate filled with food away as his words from earlier this morning rang in my ears and I suddenly lost all my appetite.

Even though I heard it all with my own ears, but I still couldn't wrap my head around whatever happened...everything happened just way too quickly for me to even process what was happening...just last night it felt like things were falling back into places even though I knew it was just for a night...deep down I knew that this was gonna come up some day and obviously even I wasn't over the whole 'fake death' thing yet...

But yet just for the time being we both were happy in each other's arms last night as we talked about our baby and it felt felt like we were the same Ryan and Vienna...hopelessly in there was nothing in the world that could ever separate them.

But here we are...just one mistake...just one silly mistake from my end that I made when I was hurt...when I was super pissed at him...when I was heartbroken over the fact that he put me through the misery, through the pain of his death when all this while he was very much alive, just one wrong decision of hiding my pregnancy from him...more precisely, of not telling him about my pregnancy as soon as he came back and we are done!

Just like that...

We are done. He gave up on me. He doesn't wants anything to do with me anymore. Now, as he said, what binds us together is this baby and nothing love between connection...nothing at all.

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