Chapter 17: 'Not so holy thoughts'

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Vienna's POV

"Well...that's experience talking" Said a voice, which did seem a bit familiar for some reason but I couldn't really put a finger at it as we all turned towards the source of this unfamiliar, yet somehow familiar voice.

I frowned as I realised who it was.


What is she doing here? I thought it was a family dinner, I didn't know she was invited too.

Oh...probably she was the one that Grace asked to let in, earlier.

"Who's that? Mom" Ryan asked with a stern look on his face.

"Why do you get all serious and alert the moment you see someone unfamiliar?" I whispered the question to Ryan.

"Someone unfamiliar in my own home, love..." He paused, emphasizing on my own home.

"And the people we don't know, aren't allowed within miles of this property, or any of the properties under the name Knight for that matter. So of course, I'll be concerned if someone I don't know, shows up at my door at this hour" He continued.

"Alright. Alright. Alpha male...I submit" I replied mockingly, rolling my eyes only for him to look at me with his eyes darkened.

"Don't turn me on when you know you can't do anything about it right now" He whispered into my ear as I felt my cheeks heating up.

Well...I mentally cleared my throat.

"She's my friend, Anne, son" Grace said snapping us out of our little moment.

"Well, hello, Grace" Anne greeted approaching us.

"How are you doing, Anne? How come you are here? At this time?" Grace replied without getting up to hug her or something, well, I can now tell that she's quite tipsy.

"Um. Grace, yesterday you asked me to meet up with you tonight, so that we could discuss our new business plans over dinner..." She trailed off hesitantly, I guess she was kinda embarrassed that Grace totally forgot about their meeting.

"I even reserved a table for us and I was waiting and waiting but you never showed up and you weren't even answering your phone so that got me really worried about you so hence here I am" She continued as I couldn't help but smile, she seems to be a genuinely good friend.

"But I had no idea you would have some company, I'm so sorry to interrupt your family gathering" She added.

"Ah. That's not a problem at all, Anne" Grace replied waving her hand in the air.

"And I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern. And about our dinner meeting, I'm so sorry it just slipped my mind, but we can totally reschedule it" She added.

"That would be great" Anne said smiling with a slight nod before she diverted her attention to me.

"Vienna, my darling" She added as I got up from my chair smiling warmly and giving her a hug as I could feel everyone else in the room was kinda confused, except Ryan who knew how I knew Anne.

"How are you doing?" Anne asked pulling away.

"Never been better" I replied beaming.

"We surely need to catch-up" She said with a hint of smile on her lips and I knew what she meant by those words. She offered me a job at her boutique when I needed it the most and even gave me a place to live and I just vanished...without even informing her.

"Yeah we do" I replied.

"I didn't know you two were close friends" Samantha asked with an eyebrow raised as if she was suspicious of something.

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