Chapter 7: Kiss me more

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Ryan's POV

"Come on love, time to leave" I whispered into her ear, sneaking my arms around her waist from behind.

"Hmm. I would have probably freaked out as to who is trying to grab me...but obviously I instantly recognised your touch" She mumbled placing her hands on mine, which were on her waist and I could tell that she was smiling.

"Good to know my touch is unforgettable" I replied smiling.

"Now come on, let's get you home" I added turning her to face me.

"No. No. I haven't even danced yet" She complained with a pout as I couldn't help but smile before kissing her pouted lips.

"I think you have danced enough to last for a couple of years" I replied as she frowned and stumbled a bit which made me tighten my grip over her.

"And...I would say the same for drinks" I added tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

"No. I meant I haven't even danced with you yet" She explained.

"Come on dance with me" She demanded and began dancing in my arms, insisting me to join her.

"Landon. What the fuck are you doing dancing over here?" I asked in disbelief as I spotted Landon and Samantha moving to the beats of this weird song that I haven't even heard in my entire life before.

"Didn't David explain things to you" I added hoping that he would understand what I meant as I watched Scarlett and Charlotte exiting the club with David.

"He did and I came here to take her home but..." Landon replied only to be interrupted by Samantha.

"But I'm not done dancing yet" Samantha yelled over the loud music as Landon just gave me a 'see this is what I was talking about' look.

"No, Sam. We are done here. We need to leave now" I said strictly but alas that had no effect on her and neither on my girl, who is giving me a sharp look right now.

"What now? Love" I asked confused.

"You see over there..." She paused pointing at Landon and Samantha.

"Landon is dancing with Sam just because she asked him to" She continued.

"And look at never listen to me...Landon is such a loving and caring boyfriend..." She added only to have me interrupting her.

"Hold on. Am I not?" I asked kind of offended by her accusation even though I know she's just drunk and blabbering things.

"Why am I even arguing with you instead of just picking you up in my arms and getting the hell out of here already" I added to myself as she frowned at me.

"No. You cannot do that because I'm pretty heavy..." She trailed off as I already picked her up in bridal style.

"What was it you were saying?" I asked sarcastically as she just giggled at me encircling her arms around my neck.

"You know you are so strong and..." She paused.

"And that has always been such a huge turn on for you know that" She continued as a whisper in my ear.

"Yes I do know that...I know you...your body even better than you" I replied making my way out.

"Hey! That's a great idea" I heard Landon yell over from behind which made me assume that he'll be out soon, carrying Samantha.

"And you are sexy, loving, caring...what more can a girl probably ask for?" Vienna said.

"You are the best boyfriend in the world" She added placing a rather wet kiss on my cheek.

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