Chapter 52: Never let her go

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Vienna's POV

But just the next moment, my breath hitched in my throat as I felt a strong tug on my wrist.

My heart raced, our backs faced each other as he held my hand for what felt like forever. I felt his warm thumb caressing my hand right before he finally broke his silence.

"It is very presumptuous of you, Mrs. Green..."

"To think that I'll just stand here idly as you take my wife away from me" His voice firm and oddly quite calm, unlike his physical exterior, and with that being said, he tighten his grip around my wrist and spung me around as a result of which I landed flush against his chest, automatically freeing my hand from my mother's grip.

"And honestly, quite daring as well, as even after knowing who I really am...what I'm capable of, you still dared to drag my wife out of our home right before my eyes..." He paused as my mother looked too shocked to speak.

"Against her wish...if I may add" He continued.

"Now I know where she gets her fierce nature from" He added while glancing at me with zero hints of amusement in his eyes.

"Against her wish?" My mother said mockingly, repeating his words.

"Yeah, you heard me right, against her wish" Ryan nodded his head.

"How can you say that it was against her wish? Everybody over here saw how she was willingly walking out with me" My mother replied as Ryan let out a dry chuckle.

"She may be your daughter, Mrs. Green, but I know her far better than you ever will" Ryan said.

"I know her soul, I know her body...I know how her mind works...I recognize each of her heartbeat...each breath that she takes and I for sure know that she definitely doesn't wants to leave...she wouldn't have wanted to even if I was actually dead..." He trailed off and my heart skipped a beat at his words.

"She may not want to leave, Ryan, but I cannot and will not leave her here to suffer the consequences of your crimes" My mother said determined, putting emphasis on the word cannot and will not.

"You're a freaking Mafia leader...a goddamm criminal...your hands are tained with blood..." My mother spat the words.

"How do you expect me to leave my daughter here!? With you!" She continued.

"And more importantly after everything that you've done!" She added as Ryan closed his eyes for a moment before opening them once again and laughing out loud.

"Oh. You don't know even half of the things that I have done, Mrs. Green" He said firmly and that was when I knew that she has pushed all his buttons and I could tell that he was just about to do something that I wasn't going to like.

"Please..." He gestured with his hand for her to walk back to her initial place where everybody else was standing.

My mother looked at him for a moment before walking back to her place, where my siblings and everybody else was already standing and Ryan turned around to face them, turning me along with him.

"When we stopped by to see and let you know that we've decided to get married, I strictly told Vienna to tell you who I really am, but she didn't..." Ryan paused.

"And now I know why" He continued.

"But anyways, what's done is done..." He trailed off.

"And about the things that I have done..." He paused as I shut my eyes close, shaking my head, figuring what he was about to do.

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