Chapter 30: Nightmares that haunt

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Vienna's POV

"Are you okay? Mrs. Knight" Michael asked as we reached home.

"Yes, Michael, I'm fine. Thank you" I replied while sniffling.

"Sorry if I may seem to be intruding but I observed that you were crying all the way home, Mrs. Knight" Michael said in a polite tone.

"Yeah I just...I-I don't know, I think I'm being way too emotional...over nothing probably..." I paused while patting my cheeks dry with a tissue paper.

"It's just a matter of a couple of days after all" I continued with a forced, small smile.

"Yes it is" Michael reassured.

"But I do get's okay to be scared or vulnerable for your loved ones...I know being in this world...being at the position that Mr. Knight is, brings a lot of responsibilities, power, along with life threats and risks as well..." He paused.

"But one thing I can assure you is that...Mr. Knight loves you to no ends, I have seen it with my own eyes...when you were not with him, and he'll always make it back to matter what" He continued with a small smile as I just passed him the same smile.

"Good night, Michael" I said with a slight nod.

"Good night, Mrs. Knight" He replied.

"I'll just be one phone call away if you need anything, Mrs. Knight" He added while opening the door for me.

"Yes, thank you" I said before walking towards our home which was now empty.

Well...I miss you already, Ryan.

It seems like time has stopped ever since Ryan has left for his business trip, no matter what I do to keep myself occupied, my heart still yearns for him...for his dazzling smile...for his hear his beating feel his lips against mine. Though it has only been four days since he left but yet it feels like years.

We do talk on phone calls all the time but yet there's this unsettling feeling in my heart that keeps me up all night, I keep turning and tossing around on our empty and cold bed all night until my tiredness finally takes a toll on my chattering mind and I fall asleep in the dawn.

I don't know if I'm thinking way too much these days or maybe it's just the fact that after getting back with Ryan, we have never been apart for even a single day or night and now I'm just finding it way too difficult to stay away from him.

I have been going to work daily, I try to keep myself occupied with work but that doesn't help either. Even Alina and Vadim have seemed to notice that something has been off about me since these past few days, they try to make conversations with me but I keep zoning out.

Ryan said that he would be back in two or three days maximum, but it's been four days now and there's still no confirmation from his end as to when he would return. This morning when I spoke with him, he sounded a bit stressed, although he tried to convince me otherwise, but I could just tell that there was something bothering him, that he wasn't willing to share with me.

If it was something related to business then he would have surely told me...right? He wasn't ready to tell me what was bothering him at any cost and that's what has been worrying me even more since this morning. He doesn't like me getting involved in the Mafia stuff, so surely whatever it is that's bothering him, has everything to do with it.

I did ask him this morning when he would be back and to my relief, he said that he would most probably be back by tomorrow, but there's nothing confirmed yet. This new project that he is working on, is demanding all of his attention and time.

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