Chapter 19: Calm yet furious

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Vienna's POV

"Good night. Let me know if you need anything, Sof" I said before closing the door to the room she was sleeping in as she mumbled 'Yeah sure, good night', just before I closed the door.

"So where's your Mr. Knight?" Nancy asked as I led her towards another guest room.

"He called me an hour ago, he'll be late tonight" I replied.

"Would you like some coffee?" I asked.

"Yeah I would love that and also we could gossip until your soon to be husband returns" She replied to which I just smiled. 

"Alright, while you settle down here I'll go and make some coffee for us" I said before walking downstairs to the kitchen and making some coffee for us.

"So, tell me for real, how are you? Vienna" Nancy asked as I took a sip of my coffee.

"I have never been better, Nan" I replied with a slight shrug.

"But why would you ask it like that?" I asked with a frown as I felt that there was something weird about her question, as if she thought that I was just pretending to be happy and wasn't actually. 

But if so, then why would she think that?

Do I look unhappy?

In fact I think that I'm glowing with sheer happiness, even the house helps keep complimenting me on that.

"I'm just concerned for you, I'm sorry if my question made you feel otherwise..." She trailed off, sipping her coffee while looking lost in some deep thoughts. 

"Stop being so formal and spill the bean, Nan" I said with a slight shake to my head.

"Alright..." She paused.

"You never told me what happened in those three months that you were away from Ryan, when you clearly told me at the airport that you would return back to him...and you left to do the same" She said and I could tell by her voice that she was actually concerned for me.

"But when I reached out to David, wanting to speak with you, I got to know an entirely different story, Vienna..." She trailed off.

"Gosh! I was so freaking worried for you. And then I get a call from David, informing me that they have found you and you were safe" She continued. 

"Don't you think you should have at least called and told me what has happened or what was happening in your life" She said, looking quite upset.

"I did call you, Nan" I replied in my defence. 

"Yeah, you called me to inform me that Ryan proposed you...but you never told me what happened with you in those three months" She said and I know she was right in her place to feel upset or hurt but just think about it from my point of view, I lost my first child and there's a void in my heart for him or her that no time and nobody in this entire world would ever be able to fill.

I called Nancy a day after Ryan proposed me, and I was just so happy at that moment that I didn't wish to tell her anything about those three months because only I know how much it hurts me to even recall those days.

"I thought we were closer than that, Vienna" She added snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"It's not how you think it is, Nan" I replied and then let out a heavy sigh as I realised that I would once again have to go down the memory lane, the lane that I never wish to go on.

"You are my closest and best friend and I really wanted to let you know that I was okay, by myself, but trust me I knew that if I spoke with you then I would have to tell you what happened while I was away from Ryan..." I paused.

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