Chapter 21: Happy Bachelorette!

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Vienna's POV

"And here's to my dearest sister, Vienna..." Samantha said raising the shot of vodka in her hand as I smiled at her.

"Even though she's my sister-in-law but I consider her my sister. have brought nothing but happiness and love in my brother's life when he needed it the most...and I cannot thank you enough for that..." She paused gulping that shot in her hand down her throat in one go.

"Easy, Sam" I said trying to get her off the chair that she was standing on, fearing that she might fall on her face and hurt herself by the bonfire infront of us.

"God! She's wasted" Nancy mumbled laughing at her.

"As if you are not" Scarlett said playfully, shaking her head as Nancy just smiled sheepishly.

"You know I love my brother so much, if only it was not for him my life would have been ruined...I would have lost my Landon..." Samantha said but in the middle of what she was saying, she switched her language from English to native Russian, which obviously I couldn't understand. 

"Well...she's speaking Russian, now I can say that she's wasted" Scarlett said before taking a sip of the nonalcoholic drink in her hand.

"Yeah. Completely" Charlotte mumbled.

"Landon..." Samantha mumbled to herself.

"I miss my baby...I'm gonna call him real quick" She continued, finally getting off the chair and looking around for her phone.

"But V, I'm so happy that you guys are tieing the knot tomorrow...I don't think I'll this happy even on my own wedding" She added while holding her cellphone to her ear, I guess she did manage to dial Landon.

"Um. But are you sure you'll be able to attend their wedding? Considering the amount of alcohol you are consuming" Scarlett said teasingly.

"Shut up, Mama" Samantha mumbled. 

"She's gonna have a terrible hangover" Sophia commented, who was also not consuming any alcohol as she's underage too and I wouldn't let her drink under my watch at least.

"Yeah now you all know why I'm not drinking...don't wanna walk down the aisle with a headache" I said.

"Dammit!" Samantha cursed while typing something on her phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's not picking up" She replied.

"They must be at some club, Sam, maybe he couldn't hear his phone ring over the loud music" I said with a slight shrug.

David, Landon and a couple of Ryan's friends, whom I obviously don't know personally, have dragged Ryan out for the night to celebrate his last night as a bachelor.

Ryan informed me earlier that they would just be going to some club to have a couple of drinks, nothing much.

Even Samantha and the girls planned a night out for me but me being me, I denied because clubbing is really not my thing and tomorrow being a really big day for me, I wanted to spend this night as peacefully as possible, away from all the loud music and sweaty bodies.

So rather than clubbing I suggested that we could just lit a bonfire in the lawn and spend some good time together, so here we are doing exactly that, but not at mine and Ryan's place but rather at Landon and Samantha's place just as she insisted.

"Now why would he pick up...they must be drowning in alcohol...surrounded by sexy women" Nancy said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Her words made me glare at her.

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