chapter five

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"y/n, let me stay here tonight!" venti whisper shouts, noting the worn out and asleep adeptus on the bed.

"hm, okay. you're on the couch, though" you bed over the cooker to light the tobacco in your pipe, perching yourself at the window shortly after.

"aw, can't I have the bed?"

"unless you're waking up before him, xiao might slap you"

"he respects God's too much"

"he respects himself too, my lord. after morax bestowed his new name upon him, I dont think he will let a deity mistreat him once more. but take the bed by all means"

"ill take my chances"

you hum and blow smoke out the window, peering over at xiao.

"teach me how to play the flute" you look to venti, he looks up from trying to wriggle out the cork of wine with his teeth.

"why? you previously held no interest in playing music, only listening" he muses, he had an idea, but asking the source was better, no?

"xiao recalls a night where the sound of your flute soothed his karmic debt when he was almost consumed. I would be forever grateful to support his health if you'd so allow me."

"it would take a while, but of course I'm willing. I owe you much more than you owe me." he smiles and pushes open the wine with his thumb and drinks, leaning back in their chair.

you stand up and the sun retreats behind the hills, lighting the fire opposite you both and returning to your seat.

"I suppose spending some time home will be refreshing. I truly have missed mondstadt."

"are that block heads design choices not up to your standards?"

"liyue is beautiful, and I cherish it as a home away from home, but it will never give me the same feeling of safety and belonging mondstadt does." you sigh and look down at the pavement.

"what about old mondstadt?" venti hesitantly asks. you look at them.

"true despair. there is nothing else I can think of to describe it. the locals have now deemed it 'stormterrors lair', if im correct?" you muse.

venti hums and picks at the strings of his lyre. "that's right."

you go quiet and think of your old home. you shake your head. you gave time to reminisce of yours and barbatos' history another night.

you stand quietly and place your pipe of the windowsill, strolling over to venti and kneeling infront of them. he looks at you, slightly confused.

you slip your fingers under the palm of his hand and lift his fingers to your lips. eyes closing and kissing his hand, he instinctively straightens himself up from his lazed position.

"and what's this about? your sudden worship sessions are getting out of hand"

"a thanks, my lord barbatos"

"for what exactly?"

"for the freedom you gifted alatus that night, and many after..." you bow your head. he places a hand on your head.

"you truly love him, don't you?" he smiles, lifting your head and cupping your jaw.

"I do, with my whole heart, soul and being."

venti leans forward and places a lingering kiss on your head.

"your devotion to those you love is such a beautiful attribute, my Knight" they whisper into your hair, smiling.

"a devotion you recognise first hand, I hope" you whisper, he laughs.

"of course, and I love you too, y/n"

he leans back in the chair and you rest your cheek on his thighs.

"do you love me only as a Lord?"

"of course not, I love you as I love xiao, with my whole life." your eyes close as he runs his hands through your hair slowly.

"why do you love me so?" he whispers, looking down at you.

"what a complicated question... but... my love for you loves you through every single attribute you hold. whether it be good or bad. there is not an ounce of negativity in my mind when I think of you."

"how I wish I could write q song as beautifully as you speak..."

"im not poetic at all"

"you neednt be poetic, you speak from the heart and mean every bit of it. there is no way I can deny your words."

you stay quiet and look at the sun set.

soon after, you feel ventis body become heavier and you look up. it seems they nodded off after your long conversation.

you rise from your knees, stripping venti to his shirt and shorts, placing him in the bed xiao slept in. you undo his braids and gently run your fingers through the wavy hair. you bring the blankets over him and set clothes from your case on a chair your move next to the bed for him to change to in the morning. you offer one last bow to his sleeping form before you relax back on the couch, losing yourself in thought slowly.

"why was he in the bed with me?" xiao appears behind you as you cool breakfast for you all, hair a mess and prominent frown that could almost be mistook for a pout on his face.

"I couldn't let them sleep on the couch, I'm just surprised you didn't hurt him." you say and wave a wooden spoon at him.

"I figured it didn't bother me enough, he kept away from me so it wasn't as if he invaded my personal space." you nod and smile.

"a beautiful morning, no?"

" is"

you had the window open, letting the cool winds politely invade the room, how refreshing.

you push a plate of French toast and fruit towards him, setting a bowl of sweet pastries in the middle of the table.

"what is with all of this?"

"im just in a good mood"

"are you sure this is not another manic episode."

"what- HA- no im fine" you walk off to wake venti with water and headache medicine, xiaos eyes following yill you're put of sight then looking down at the plate of breakfast. he takes a bite.

"it tastes..." he swallows and looks to the open window. "like the very wind in this room... peculiar." he continues eating happily.

venti weakly walks in soon after, sitting in the seat adjacent to xiao and blindly patting around for eating utensils. once he realises the cooking is home made, he seems to shoot awake and eagerly stuff his mouth.

"I forgot you could cook! as much as I love apples, a diet of only that an alcohol gets old after a few generations. xiao, you're so spoiled getting meals like this." venti speaks with his mouth full, taking little to no breaks to breathe.

"spoiled..." xiao thinks back to how you treat him in comparison to how other people treat their... companions. he was truly spoiled. he blushes ever so slightly then clears his throat and closes his eyes. "and im grateful."

you smile brightly at the two amd sit down yourself, chewing on the pastries happily.

"xiao, after the date we planned to return to liyue, I plan to stay a week after. I hope these arrangements are okay?" you ask, sipping on freshly brewed tea.

he hesitates a moment. "of course, I can handle myself just fine." he doesn't really want to be fully alone fir a week, it's a bit unnerving after having you there for so long. why couldn't he stay with you, anyway? I was none of his business, he knew, he also knew he was acting like a bit of a bratty child, but he supposed that could be allowed sometimes.

"murder", he says | xiaoven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now