chapter thirty

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"that kaeya fellow. a perceptive man, is he?"

venti and yourself walk back from the cathedral after venti has has his wounds properly treated. they had to treat them void of healing powers as they didn't work on him (though barbara, the nurse, seemed to already know they wouldn't work?). he looks up at your question, nodding.

"thats a fair way to put it. why'd you ask?"

"who in mondstadt knows of your identity?" you speculate a few at least, venti was terrible at keeping secrets that concerned himself.

"a few. kaeyas brother, master diluc knows, along with a few others i think youre yet to meet. diluc wouldnt tell kaeya, theyre in a rivalry, but i think that the captain knows something is up at least. hes suspicous of me in one way or another." venti explains, takimg care to walk down the steps.

"i see." you nod, deep in thought.

"youre speaking too formally. whats on your mind, my dearest?" venti asks, smiling sweetly and stopping you by blocking your path, face close to yours. you blush slightly.

"you know how those names of yours make me feel, dont tease me" you say, embarressed. hes done this ever since you first met, and it still gets to you.

"mm, still shy despite how more carefree you are now- you used to be so authoritive all the time."

"I had to be. whilst I agree with your views, with freedom comes need of some authority. the same way mondstadt is riddled with guards given it has no government body."

"I wouldnt call that authority"

"what would you deem it?"

"what you offer me. protection."

you smile slightly. "I've offered you much more than that. surely you haven't forgotten?"

venti takes another step closer, chests bumping into eachother.

"how could I forget those nights?" he asks, voice quiet.

"excuse me." a voice comes, you jump, turning quickly to see the previously mentioned cavalry captain kaeya. you wouldnt mind if he didn't interrupt yours a ventis horny flirting. but he did- so uh you do mind, you guess.

you cross your arms, straightening your posture to appear as tall as you can. not that it would intimidate him- he isn't a bear (a twink, you'd say), but more for your own confidence.


"I have a few questions, do you have a moment?" he asks, stopping a few feet infront of you.

"as in friendly questions or is this closer to an interrogation?" you ask, he chuckles.

"friendly. you have my word. do I have any reason to interrogate you?"

"no. but unrelated- on September 3rd at 6.43pm I was nowhere near the east side of mondstadt."

"same here." venti notes, rasing his hand. he seemed happy to listen otherwise.

"...I'll keep that in mind?" kaeya seems a bit confused at the information, but laughs it off. he walks, signalling you both to follow him.

Good, that means the Knights don't know that you and venti started a popup fighting ring last night. and venti said kaeya was perceptive, pshhh.

"so, are you originally from mondstadt?" asks kayea.

"I am, yes. though my residency has been in liyue for most of my life now." you explain.

"you must be older than me by a few years then? I've never seen you."

"murder", he says | xiaoven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now