chapter thirty eight

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xiao might not be the most socially aware guy out there, but he was in no way stupid- especially when it came to you. over the eons by youre side, maybe he picked up a few of your tells, sue him- despite the fact that he loves to brood, he's observant.

though perhaps his observation skills, in this situation, weren't exactly something special. a blind man could tell that you were upset- but sometimes, xiao feels as if observing is all he can do. he has no idea how to comfort you- no idea what to say, no idea how to act- he's at a loss. and it's scary.

you've been pent up for a few days now, having been fine when leaving mondstadt and on the optional journey home, but over the past week that xiao and yourself have settled back home, he's noticed a few changes.

such as the fact of your sensitivity- you seem all the more desperate for him to come back each evening and even more broken hearted when you notice the leaves of your plants beginning to wilt. xiao assured you- it was winter, they will die but in time will grow again. just like they always do. he thinks you found some comfort in a plants seemingly endless cycle. but that just wasnt enough- to the point you had yourself locked in the bathroom and crying into a towel- as uf that stopped the cries from reaching xiaos ears.

you had now taken a walk in a terrible fit of tears, you could barely get your words out between strangled gasps of breaths and choked sobs, trying to assure xiao that you're okay as your hand shook to open the door of the room- he felt useless. your eyes were puffy and red and to you everything felt world-ending, where his influence was miniscule if at all affective.

you softly close the door after you, xiao slowly sitting down on the bed and sighing deeply with worry, heart twinging at the sight of tear-stained pillows.

what does he do? maybe he should contact venti- but we're they any better at this than he was?

probably miles better. his speciality is with words, he supposes. this is not the case for xiao, all he believes he's good at is killing- despite this not being true, he's stubborn. so there's no convincing him otherwise.

xiao blinks, watching the blood trickle down his his from his thumbnail. he should really rid himself of these terrible habits, raw skin on his hands is anything but comfortable. he stands, tugging his boots back on- ready to head to mondstadt.

xiao pauses after he's pulled on his second shoe, feeling a breeze fill the air and distant chords of a lyre. problem sorted, then- venti has cane here instead. xiao stands, waiting for ventis form to appear amongst the flurry of feathers. he does, quickly- feet delicately hitting the wooden floors of the room as ventis cape eventually settles, wind dispersing.

"I was just about to come find you" xiao admits, finding with his hands once again before crossing his arms as to diminish his harmful habit.

"perfectly timed, then- I fear I don't come baring good news. where is our love?" venti looks around and xiao follows him with his eyes.

"they've not being doing well, which is why i was coming- I assume that's also why you're here? they've just left" he sighs

"it is. come, we must find them. there's been a futher sacrifice." venti frowns, quickly storming towards the door and throwing it open, quickly rushing down the steps. xiao follows.

"that would explain their mood. I haven't been able to calm them for days." xiao admits shamefully. venti hums in understanding. "what do we do when we find them?"

"mm. you make a good point. first? make sure they're not hurt, I guess." venti says, pausing at a crossroads. "I can't pinpoint their presence... any hopes?" venti looks to xiao.

"...this way." he says, taking off north.

"how can you tell?" venti asks. xiao doesn't reply.

your cries finish with a fit of coughs and sniffles, rough sleeves rubbing against your eyes and nose- puffy from irritation. your knees pull closer to your chest as you sit beneath a small rock formation surrounded by trees.

what the hell was causing you to feel like this? you couldn't ask for more- venti and xiao by your side is all you ever wanted, and you have it. so what permissions have you been granted to bleed your eyes like this? you can feel the pain in your throat and hands from how dull you feel. but it just doesn't make sense.

your mind feels cloudy, consumed by just... bad...? its so difficult to contort into words. another sob escapes your mouth and you clasp your hand over it in frustration- eyes squeezing shut and balled up fist meeting the rock beside you. just stop.

please just stop you beg.

your shaking hands snake into your hair and pull it taunt as your quivering shoulders bend into your knees, tucking yourself into a tight ball. it's the safest you could feel at the moment.

then, there's footsteps- two pairs nearing on a sprint- light, trained.

either it's mercenaries or- your dear hearts.

though, as you feel gentle hands encircle your body and warmth flood your shivering exterior, you haven't a doubt in your mind.

"oh, dear..." venti coos, a hand coming to pet your hair. xiaos come to the side of your face, turning your head up to face him. his eyebrows press together in concern, thumbs wiping away stray tears spilling from your eyes.

"are you hurt anywhere?" xiao asks- you shake your head. why would you be hurt? xiaos eyes flick to venti and they stare at eachother for a period of time, seemingly having a conversation. arms come to cradle your legs and back, a small yelp leaving your lips as xiao lifts you and pulls you into his chest.

"xiao, dearest- I could walk-" you start.

"and I could care less." he answers- eyes averting contact with yours. he's embarrassed- how cute.

"xiao never carries me." venti points out, following after you both and smiling down at you. you offer a weak smile back.

"I do. you're just always substantially intoxicated."

"who taught you to be so witty, xiao?" venti huffs, xiao gives him a look.

"I'm not being witty, I'm just stating facts."

"ah. he's not even aware of it." you conclude, patting your eyes once more. gosh, they burnt. venti chuckles and you feel your heart tingle.

"youre right. blissfully unaware." he hums, reaching a hand up to affectionately pinch xiaos cheek. he detests (loves) it.

though, you can't help but feel the underlying feeling of fear. you can tell they came for a reason- and when you return to wangshuu in, this light atmosphere will end. usually, you take the initiative to make the most of now when this realisation comes to- but this time? this time, you can only let it fester with hopes that it does not hurt your loves.

okay, wow! I'm not dead, then? came close to it many times, im sure- but this doesn't mean regular updates, sorry! but at the very least I'm not dropping this book and likely won't pernamently for a while! so no worries dears. I hope you gained some sort of enjoyment from this little chapter!
I hope to see you soon- farewell until then!

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