chapter six

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okay, maybe xiao couldn't handle being alone. he usually would- perhaps if he hadn't learnt the comfort of another beings company. maybe then he wouldn't care too much. and by all means xiao was happy for you to be away whenever you wanted- that was not his place to dictate.

this fact, however, definitely did not subside the feeling of longing. he's completed his duties for the day and has even got around to personal tasks. it went a lot faster without you there to harass him. but he's missing that? surely this is some form of stockholm syndrome.

he sighs and looks around the room to find something to entertain himself. he didn't feel like sleeping right now, the bed was too cold.

he looks at the ash-filled pipe on the side table near the window. definitely not.

he thinks about what you would suggest to cheer him up. probably masturbation. of course you would, but he definitely didn't want to substitute that as a pass time.

a bath? no, the water is always sickeningly hot or deathly cold whenever he tries to fill it.

surely he is not incapable without you around? he could do plenty of things himself- he's a grown man- far more grown than any mortal. he thinks back to venti saying that he's spoiled.

the fact seems to be even more prominent in this situation. but it's not his fault he didn't know the ratio of hot to cold water that he likes. everytime he gets a long bath is after injuries where y/n must fill the bath. he would do it himself if he could. seriously. swear down.

he stares out onto the outside window ledge, pondering what to do once more. he grabs a jug of water from the side and bends down by the window, watering the qignxin and cecelia that you had growing in small pots.

that's it. xiao will grow flowers. he will grown pretty flowers for your return so you can both have an even prettier home. he remembers accidentally blowing dandelions when dashing in mondstadt- you had collected the seeds after.

he searches through his bag that was packed for the trip and finds the seeds secured in a small box.

... how does he plant flowers? he had no experience in gardening- but who could he ask?

he certainly could not contact you or venti, so it had to be in liyue.

traveller? did that have any experience growing flowers? he's not sure. not to mention the pestering he would recieve asking why be was growing flowers. he supposed he could lie but they are both incredibly intrusive. they will no doubt snoop.

his lord, perhaps? ...not to be disrespectful, but he is not so experienced in mortal affairs, either. he would probably suggest buying them- and he has no money, and wants to grow them.

his closest contact would be Verr Goldet. she had plenty of flowers growing around the inn. she would surely know herself- if nit know someone who does.

he places the seeds on the side and walks down to the main lobby, walking up to the desk.

"how do I grow flowers." he wasn't sure how to approach it, he supposes.

"oh- xiao. growing flowers? Well, first you need to plant the seed in dirt, then they need to get plenty of sunlight and water. not too much of either, though. then they take a few weeks to grow-" she starts

"weeks? what about one week?"

"well, you might see something-"

"can I speed it up?"

"there is probably some alchemy recipe that can make them grow faster-"

xiao leaves. he has his information.

but who will he go to? damn. what if he had to shop in liyue harbour? would he do it for you...?

nah lol absolutely not imagine that.

"so you need us to go into the harbour... to get a potion that speeds up flowers growing?" aether asks, him and his companion facing xiao in conversation.


"if you need flowers quickly, why not just pick them? or buy them?"

"I must grow them."

"is it part of some adeptus ritual?"


aether looks at paimon. she shrugs.

"do you need any... seeds?"

"..." he thinks for a moment. what flowers do you like?

"do they perhaps sell seeds for... mondstadt plants...?"

"paimon thinks there might be a vendor, yeah! if it's important we could always go to flora." paimon says, she turns to xiao.

"do you think it's that important?"

he closes his eyes and crosses his arms. "yes. it's very important."

" what is it?" aether asks. he wonders why xiao isn't just explaining his situation clearly.

quick. a lie. why would he need flowers grown from mondstadt? how rude of him would it be to lie of his cultures traditions to hide his true motive?

" offering to the anemo archon" surely that would work.

aether blinks. "oh. that makes sense."

xiao nods. "im in your debt for your help, please excuse me now."

he disappears.

"why was he so weird about offering flowers? he's usually quite open about his worship" paimon asks. aether shrugs.

"maybe he's never offered to venti? I don't know. but let's go do this for him"

"I feel my playing is too harsh." you sigh.

"your note reading and rhythm is great, you're just blowing too hard, you're too tense." venti coaches, hands on his hips.

"perhaps its the smoking. my breathing is very hard to control." you lay the flute on the side, standing and stretching.

"if relaxing is what I need, then perhaps we can go on a walk around mondstadt?" you offer, smiling.

"...can we stop at the tavern?"

"if we don't go the tavern, we can go shopping for ingredients and I'll cook"

venti debates his options. "...what if we got wine for having with dinner?"

"...only if you have one glass"


you slip your jacket on, given it was getting darker now and lanterns were slowly lighting.

you walk out with venti who links your arm and occasionally skips. you walk from your hotel towards monds square.

"is that aether? I thought he was in liyue?" you walk over, venti noticing the familiar face and following.

"aether, taking a detour on your travels?" you smile, waving with your free arm. he turns and looks at you both.

"y/n, venti? you two know eachother?" paimon says.

"of course, I believe you know of my lords identity, I serve under them." you put a hand to your chest. "I forgot I didn't tell you, how silly of me"

"what brings you back to mondstadt, friend?" venti smiles, peeking at the alchemy table behind them.

"were actually here for xiao, he wanted us to get a few things"

"of course he wouldn't go into a city. what could he possibly need from mondstadt?" you ponder, you hope he's okay.

"he hasn't sustained injuries, has he?"

aether shakes his head. "no, he's trying to grow flowers for... something?"


"maybe he's bored?" venti asks

"I bet he's missing me ♡♡♡ my little meow meow..." you cup your own face and grin. "I miss him too ♡♡♡ aether, give him a big kiss for me when you see him!"


"murder", he says | xiaoven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now