chapter twenty

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the first time you and xiao met, it was a mess. you didn't particularly like him and he didn't particularly like you.

you found him too brooding and up-tight. you especially didn't like how off-handedly boastful he was about his adeptus status, in your own words.

he found you too loud, pushy, uneducated, disrespectful, overbearing, bothersome- honestly, the list went on. your all-time favourite had to be "unprecedented"- not your actions, but you as a being.

"adeptus this, yaksha that! who gives a damn if you're some deity, you still apply to every lore of this land so stop acting like a dick!" you yell as another of yours and xiaos arguments starts off.

"I have no quarrels with you disrespecting me, but don't dare disrespect my title- you are then insulting my comrades and I won't accept that." he spits, eyes glaring and following every pace of the room you take.

"I don't care about them as long as they're not annoying as you."

"youre the one who came to me. I don't even want you here."

"I'm obeying orders!"

"sounds like he wanted to get rid of you." xiao closes his eyes, but that doesn't stop him from realising you're holding a knife to his throat. well, you hadn't got physically violent before.

xiao attempts to disarm you, but you end up slamming him against the wall with enough force to knock the breath out of him. he'd easily be able to overpower you, had you not had the surprise on him. he's still strained, but doesn't make an attempt in struggling. he doesn't think you'd hurt him.

"youre wrong! don't speak ill of my lord when he sent me here for you, you ungrateful pest! whether I am useless with the remnants of power I have now, who cares?!" your hands dig into his skin and nails draw blood, he takes the chance to roll you both to the side so he's able to switch your positions and have you against the wall.

he would have, anyway, had the space next to them not been an open window. with the force xiao used, both your forms stumble  before slipping off the balcony.

"I know I'm annoying, but killing me is a bit too far!" you yell. "now I'm stuck on whether I should save you!" you grumble after, swiftly teleportating the both of you after.

xiao blinks rapidly to adjust to the sequence of events that happened within less than a minute. looking around, he notices you took them far from the Inn.

"look. I still don't like you, but maybe I'm putting what I want to say the wrong way." you turn away from him, seemingly sulking. xiao half heartedly listens to what you have to say.

"I have respect for liyues deities. I meant no ill to your friends. so I'm sorry. but... your attitude stinks! your head might still be stuck in the archon war, but you're being too reckless and self destructive." you say, xiao decides that he should listen, since you apologised.

"who cares if I'm self destructive if it's helping others? you of all people certainly don't care whether I live or die in my duties." he counteracts.

"I don't like you, that doesn't mean I want you dead. it certainly doesn't mean you can go around putting your life on the line when it isn't necessary. you're trying to be a warrior, not suicidal. there's a thin line."

"and what is that line?"

"usually, warriors don't try to get themselves killed. you want to protect people? you can't do that dead. your recklessness hurts other people, too."

"I warn people to stay away, there should be no one fighting alongside me. especially not mortals."

"back with that stupid fucking talk. thinking you'll hurt everyone around you. you're so fucking dumb to it because you truly have so little self worth! what's worse is that I cant help you because you won't even accept the fact that what your head is telling you is wrong!" you grip your hair is frustration and xiao is a little taken back at how invested in his health you are. he's not sure how he felt.

"murder", he says | xiaoven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now