chapter twenty four

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you decide you should teleport to liyue harbour, doing so as soon as you passed over the bridge by wangshuu inn (just to make sure venti doesn't shut down another thing he needs). you sigh solemnly- you should to speak to zhongli, right?

you treated him quite rudely the other day- even if it was in xiaos best interest. he did act like a dick, to put it bluntly. you think you should still apologise, though.

first you head to the pharmacy and speak to the adorable little lady at the counter. you were familiar with xiaos connection to qiqi, but felt no need to mention it. it took you a while to understand if "coco milk" was chocolate flavoured milk or coconut milk, but found it to be the latter- eventually. you cant imagine why she would enjoy drinking it, but who are you to decide?

you pay for the medicine upfront since it takes an hour or two to prepare and head out, with the promise to bring back coconut milk and the intention to find zhongli.

you walk into the main parts of town. its busy days like these where you understand why xiao despises populated places so much. you sigh and slip yourself past yet another pushy salesman towards the alchemy table- a safe place to stand to navigate from.

right. zhongli is usually at that tea house of sorts, yes? you should buy tea leaves there for venti, too. you can see that zhongli isn't sitting outside, so you must head in.

inside isn't far from other liyuean interior, but its as pretty as ever. you walk to the counter, peeking around corners for morax on your way. you order your dry tea leaves before you notice zhongli in the far back corner and order an extra pot of tea with two cups. you note to the server where you'll be before walking over.

"mind if I sit, sir?" you ask and he looks up, then smiles.

"be my guest." he gestures to the chair and you sit, laying your bag at your feet. he closes a book he was skimming over and looks at you. "what brings you here?"

"I was looking for you- to apologise for my behaviour the other day." you speak sincerely and bow your head to the server as he places your tea and cups on the table as well as your boxed leaves. you serve zhongli tea with two hands as you talk. "I know that you understand why I acted that way, however it was still unprecedented... I'm deeply regretful of my actions and hope you can forgive me, sir..."

you place the teapot back down carefully after both your cups are filled and look up at him shyly. he stares for a moment before laughing heartily.

"I hadnt expected this- did alatus scold you for being rude and send you here?" he asks, still chuckling slightly. you blush from embarrassment.

"no! I promise this is genuine- I haven't had the chance to tell xiao yet, but im sure he will tell me off..." you mutter, something about zhongli had always flustered you, you suppose he makes you feel a bit silly and then you get all fumbly infront of him. you just hoped that he didn't think you had a crush on him or anything (as attractive as he is).

"you needn't worry- I forgive you. not to say I was upset in the first place, I knew you meant no harm. it was quite charming to see how far you would go for xiao. I thank you for that." he says as he drinks his tea, eyes closed.

you nod and whisper a small 'of course, sir' before you both fall into silence. you drink your tea quietly, head down as zhongli stares, reading your body language. he decides to not ask what you have to say- he's sure you'll come in your own time.

"alatus. how is he?" zhongli asks smoothly.

"oh- right, I technically did some to town for him. he's gotten sick so I have to pick up medicine for him- I decided to see you whilst it's prepared." you say truthfully.

"murder", he says | xiaoven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now