It's Broken pt. 2

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Momiji's POV: The next morning I woke up with a new sense of urgency to get to school earlier than usual this morning. It would have helped if I got a proper nights sleep since I'm sure I look like a wreck. Tohru will probably be worried and I hate seeing her fret over me like she does everyone else. Though that does make her pretty cute, she is so caring and honest. I just wish she was more open about how she really feels... and just then I see her walking alongside Uotani and Hanajima with a big smile on their faces. You can tell how great of friends they are, I wonder what they are talking about.

Momiji: Hello Tohru and friends, what are you guys talking about? Is it something fun I hope?

Tohru: Momiji!

Uotani: That's Momiji? I couldn't even recognize him. You've sure shot up like a weed. Seems like Kyo will have some competition, you may even be called the next prince at this school.

Hanajima: He has similar waves and he is a Sohma so it does make sense. Kyo isn't much of a prince anyways. Something seems off about you today.

Momiji: I don't feel anything off today, I feel just like me... Though Tohru I do need to talk to you, can we meet up on the roof after home room?

Tohru: Of course! Is something wrong? Are you tired?

She then touched my forehead checking my temperature to see if I was running a fever. I have to remember that I can't let her get too close since if she did I wouldn't turn into the rabbit like the previous times. Of course she's been the one very careful as I was always the one jumping into her embrace. I took her hand and smiled as I said I'm fine, asking her again if she would have the time to meet with me later to talk.

*Later after homeroom Momiji is on the roof waiting for Tohru but someone unexpected show s up instead. Kyo the cat zodiac is standing by the door that leads you to the roof. He looks confused by Momiji being up there as this isn't a place where he normally would see him*

Kyo: What are you doing up here? I wasn't expecting to see you alone, normally your with Haru.

I turned to look at Kyo with a solemn look on my face almost as if I was offering an apology from the guilt I felt of having my curse broken and no longer feeling the internal bond we had.

Momiji: Maybe its because I'm taking a break and needed time to think about my curse being broken.

With my statement Kyo froze with fear, and the most utterly shocked look on his face.

Kyo: What did you say? Don't mess with me like that.

Momiji: I'm just teasing, but if I did... I would probably be able to tell Tohru how I truly feel about her.

*Without even noticing, the doors handle began to turn*

Tohru's POV:
I gathered my things and asked our teacher if I could leave early. There was someone I needed to meet. I didn't want to keep Momiji waiting, it seemed like he really needed to talk to me about something and I'm worried that something is off like Hanajima said. I really hope nothing happened with his family. He has been through so much and it would break my heart.
As I was walking up the stairs to the roof I could hear Momiji talking to someone, I don't know who it was but I could only hear the last line of his sentence before opening the door...

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